i love this

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

well i am back well not really i just have not had time to get on the computer. i do not reallly have anything to say. i am sitting up here in the computer room which by the way in no longer joshes room. i am up so i am waiting for school to start.oh well i guess i can tell you all the interesting topic that we are discussing in english.we are talking about religion it is fun to here all about what people think about ech diffrent religion in turn. my english teacher is crazy though but he is alot of fun.i have no idea what to write about anymore notning all that amazing has happened to me in a while so i will just go down and eat breakfast now. are anyof you even up at 6:59 which is the time right now. well see you all later to day


Blogger internetjason said...


ok, with that out of the way. shaw!(said with an 80's valley girl tone) i'm always up that early...much earlier actually.

i, too, have nothing to say here, but since i have a nice convenient link to all the people's blogs at two14sw, i thought i'd read up.

so take that you english k-nygitts! (name that movie)

12:04 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

Who are you BlogsRWack?!?!?!?!

7:07 PM  
Blogger Seanzy said...

Man I get up that early daily to go running to school, so I know how to you feel. And by the way "blogs*r*wack", I don't know who you are so I deleted your post, should you choose to reveal yourself I'd keep your name as memorobilia on my blog. Oh yeah, and for someone with such a passion against blogging, you seem to keep a common hobby in blogging to critisize others who are blogging as well. Ironic.

10:30 PM  
Blogger Jake said...

It's josh. I know it. I have found you out "Joshy-Washy"

12:40 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

If everyone would please look at this person's blog they would get it!!!! Later!!!

7:17 PM  

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