i love this

Saturday, July 29, 2006

hey well my stay in arkansas was really kool!! we were in a little town called oden it was super duper small. there were like three shops one was a hair salon one was a post office and the last was a tack/grocries/book store so as u can see it was a very small town. but it was really pretty we were close to the river and we had alot of trees around our cabin. on one of the days we did the best thing we did all week we went on a trail ride. i was the last person and i was riding a horse called old red nero was his full name but the lady called him nero. he was a horse that was stumbling one the stick that were sticking out of the ground. and one time he did actully fall it was scary. but i am happy to say i am still alive well i have to go so T.T.F.N by the way sean i guess that u were being a biy watching batman and stuff


Blogger cowgirl said...

sorry i ment boy not biy i mis typed

6:58 PM  
Blogger Seanzy said...

Batman was the way to go. But I will admit, Eeyore was by far the coolest animal in the 'Hundred Acre Wood'!

7:13 PM  
Blogger Jake said...

So what I was able to decipher from you impeccable grammar, was that Arkansas was boring, but you almost died and the Ta Ta for Now part right there at the end. I feel an enormous sense of accomplishment. And I must say that while I liked Eeyore, mainly because he was a manically depressed donkey in a kids cartoon (I like the irony), Tigger was the coolest. Like on par with Batman and Megatron, or maybe even Rattrap. Ok, not Rattrap, but definitely Megatron.

1:00 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

Hi there!!!

6:02 AM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

I am going to see how much stuff this commenting stuff will really take. You can delete this comment when I am done Kasey. Thank you.

Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
Walkthrough and FAQ V1.5
By Stevmill

Section 1 : Forward and Credits

Section 2 : Version Description

Section 3 : Blades Quest
3.1 : Deliver a Package
3.2 : Dwemer Puzzle Box
3.3 : The Skull of Llewle
3.4 : Vivec Interviews
3.5 : Ashlander Informant
3.6 : Urshilaku Camp
3.7 : SixthHouse Base
3.8 : Corprus Cure
3.9 : Lost Prophecies
3.10 : Third Trial
3.11 : Fifth Trial Urshilku
3.12 : Fifth Trial Ahemmusa
3.13 : Fifth Trial Zainab
3.14 : Fifth Trial Erabenimsum
3.15 : Fourth Trial House Redoran
3.16 : Fourth Trial Telvanni House
3.17 : Fourth Trial Hlaalu House
3.18 : The Archcanon and Vivec
3.19 : Ghostgate
3.20 : First Vampire
3.21 : Second Vampire
3.22 : Third Vampire
3.23 : Fourth Vampire and The Keening
3.24 : Fifth Vampire and The Sunder
3.25 : Sixth Vampire
3.26 : Seventh Vampire
3.27 : Dagoth Ur

Section 4 : Fighters Guild Quests
4.1 : The Rats
4.2 : Egg Poachers
4.3 : Trouble at Caldera Mine
4.4 : The Code Book
4.5 : Debt Money
4.6 : Orc Bounty
4.7 : Ald-Ruhn Fighters Guild
4.8 : Neromancers
4.9 : Nerer Beneran The Outlaw
4.10 : Suran Bandits
4.11 : Delivering Flin
4.12 : Sadrith Mora Fighters Guild
4.13 : Dwemer Ruins Of Nchurdamz
4.14 : Dissapla Mine
4.15 : Corprus Stalker And Rels Tenim
4.16 : Sujamma Courier
4.17 : Escort Sondaale of Shimmerene
4.18 : Engaer
4.19 : Pudai Egg Mine And The Golden Eggs
4.20 : Orcs At A Daedric Ruin
4.21 : Verethi Gang
4.22 : Sarano Tomb
4.23 : Decision
4.24 : Option 1 Save the Fighters Guild
4.25 : Option 2 Vivec Fighters Guild
4.26 : Option 2 The Thieves Guild Bosses
4.27 : Option 2 The Theives Guild Master

Section 5 : Guide To Vvardenfell
5.1 : Ascadian Isles
5.2 : The Ashlands
5.3 : Azura's Coast
5.4 : The Bitter Coast
5.5 : The Grazelands
5.6 : Molag Amur
5.7 : Red Mountain
5.8 : West Gash
5.9 : Sheogorad

Section 6 : Seyda Neen Quests and Notes
6.1 : Fargoth's Ring
6.2 : Fargoth's Hiding Place
6.3 : The Dead Taxman
6.4 : Cursed Ring Of Vodunius Nuccius
6.5 : Seyda Neen Travel
6.6 : Seyda Neen Trainers
6.7 : Seyda Neen Merchants
6.8 : Seyda Neen Notes

Section 7 : Pelagiad Quests and Notes
7.1 : Pelagiad Quests
7.2 : Pelagiad Trainers
7.3 : Pelagiad Merchants
7.4 : Pelagiad Notes

Section 8 : Hla Oad Quests And Notes
8.1 : Slave Delivery
8.2 : Hla Oad Travel
8.3 : Hla Oad Trainers
8.4 : Hla Oad Merchants
8.5 : Hla Oad Notes

Section 9 : Gnaar Mok Quests And Notes
9.1 : Breeding Netch
8.2 : Hla Oad Travel
9.3 : Gnaar Mok Trainers
9.4 : Gnaar Mok Merchants
9.5 : Gnaar Mok Notes

Section 10 : General Tips

Section 11 : FAQ
11.1 : How Do I sell High Priced Items?
11.2 : How Do I Use Vampire Dust To Make A Vampire Potion?
11.3 : Can I Join More Than One Guild?
11.4 : Why Do The Ordinators Attack Me?
11.5 : Where Is Creeper, And What Is So Special About Him?
11.6 : I Messed Up The Bonebitter Bow Quest, What Do I Do?
11.7 : Where Are The Propolyon Index Stones

Section 12 : Reader Submitted Notes and Hints
12.1 : WarEagle's Easy Golden Saint Soultrap
12.2 : Ye Olde Breadbutt's Easy Athletics
12.3 : Master Alchemy Equipment
12.4 : Pelagiad Armor Ready To Be Stolen
12.5 : The Sword of White Woe
12.6 : Good Loot
12.7 : The Thieves, The Fighters, And The Codebook
12.8 : More Good Loot
12.9 : The Talking Mudcrab
12.10 : Vampire Info
12.11 : Ordinator Armor
12.12 : Azuras Servant Shield
12.13 : Yagrums Book Of Great Arifacts Locations
12.14 : Daedric Quests
12.15 : Xbox Weapon Skill Cheat
12.16 : Daedric Cressent
12.17 : Good Souls
12.18 : Easy Way Over Lava
12.19 : Daedric Dai Katana
12.20 : Ebony Armor Set Location
12.21 : The Wonders Of Sujamma
12.22 : Stat Training Quirks
12.23 : Another Stat Training Quirk
12.24 : Glass Armor Set
12.25 : Another Permanent Bound Item (Non Bug)
12.26 : M'Aiq the Liar
12.27 : Raise A Stat And Make Money
12.28 : Death to Ordinators!!!!!!! (Kwik Kash)
12.29 : Dragonbone Cuirass
12.30 : Cheaper Constant Effect Enchantment
12.31 : Another Easy Way To Raise Sneak Skill
12.32 : Calm The Ordinator
12.33 : Xbox Enchanting Cheat
12.34 : Indoril Armour
12.35 : High level Conjuration Spells

Section 13 : Alchemy
13.1 : Alchemy Equipment
13.2 : Component List
13.3 : Cure Potion Recipes
13.4 : Restore Recipes
13.5 : Fortify Recipes
13.6 : Resist Recipes
13.7 : Shield Recipes
13.8 : Misc. Helpful Recipes
13.9 : Drain Recipes
13.10 : Misc. Harmful Recipes
13.11 : Two Item Multiple Effect Potions
13.12 : Reader Submitted recipes

Section 14 : Books to learn from
14.1 : Books That Raise Skills
14.2 : Books That Have Other Effects

Section 15 : Master Trainer Locations

Section 16 : Contact Info.

Section 1: Forward and Credits

Welcome and thank you for reading my second FAQ: Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
"The Walkthrough and FAQ". This is not a complete Walkthrough for every quest
and side quest in the game (at least not yet), but at the moment just the
main quest needed to finish the game. Later on I will add lists for guild
quests and misc. quests found throughout the game. This FAQ was written using
the PC version of this game. If there aree any XBox owners that find any
differences between this version and the XBox version, please let me know so
that I can add the notes for the XBox version.

Following revisions will be a little slower in coming out since I got
Neverwinter Nights. =) This means Emails might be returned a little slower
than usual. Another good place to get answers is the Gamefaqs.com Morrowind
Message board.

If you like this FAQ, or have something to add you can send me a note to my
email address found down below in the contact information section. I you
contribute to this FAQ, I will give you due credit in this section in later

This FAQ is meant to be freely distributed, all I ask is that you send me an
email request to repost my FAQ. (This will also allow me to log your email
address, so I can send you the most updated versions of The FAQ)

I would like to thank and give credit to the following people:

Credit for the component list of the Alchemy section goes to Tito13KFM
and Randomer for giving Tito13KFM the inspiration to create the list in
the first place.

Credit for the reader submitted potion recipes goes to Eevle.

Credit to Cilobaid from the Gamefaqs Morrowind message board for the master
trainer locations.

Credit to furball and JMooney for letting me know how to get Elone to
admit she trains.

Credit to Jumping Jack and Mark for some of the Seyda Neen notes.

Credit to Digisciple for sending me a possible XBox difference in the
Urehilaku Camp.

Credit to Karen for informing me about the Breeding Netches being part of
the imperial legion quests.

Credit to WarEagle, Ye Olde Breadbutt, Sam, Scott Kelley, Bojangles, Jesus,
Robin Sequira, Josh Aldrich, Carcanel, DemonicSavior, Demens Ignis, Senaldun,
Alex, Victor, God Magnus, SpaceLord, The Great Gerstacker, Jerome, Blue99BMW,
dogami, shock_ZERO, giznot, MaconBacon, Dave Marchetti, P3ss1m15t and
JABIGDOGS2000 for contributing to the Reader Submission Section.

Credit to Bloodrose from the Gamefaqs fourm for sending in a few alternate
directions to the Cavern of the Incarnate

Credit to LordMagus on the gamefaqs.com message board for helping me fix the
Blunt Weapons Master Trainer.

Credit to Mad Marduk for the Two Item Multiple Effect Potions part of the
Alchemy Section.

Credit to BETHESDA for the guide to Vvardenfell, as it came directly from
the in game scroll.

Thanks go to BETHESDA for making such a great game.
GameFaqs.com and all the people who post on the Morrowind message board
for giving me the inspiration to write this FAQ, and my girlfriend for
letting me spend so much time playing this game.

Well, enough of my rambling, and on to the good stuff....

Section 2: Version Description

05-31-02 V1.0: The initial offering

06-08-02 V1.1: Finished the Blades walkthrough, added some reader submissions
Fixed a lot of spelling errors, re-formatted a bunch of stuff.

06-09-02 V1.2: Added some notes on Pelagiad, along with some Misc. book
to notes. Added a few more Seyda Neen notes. Added a little
06-18-02 more to the Cavern of the Incarnate and Dwemer Puzzle box
sections. Added a reader Submission Section. Added a section
for the Fighters Guild Quests. I also added a section for
General Tips and a FAQ section to address some of the more
fequintly asked questions I have been recieving via Email.

06-20-02 V1.3 Was informed that part of section 3.26 got deleted, so I put
to it back in. Added some more reader submitted hints. Finished
06-25-02 the Figters guild quests. Added a reader contribution
for the code book quest, and one for the Urshilaku Camp.

06-29-02 V1.4 Added some more reader submissions. Added a reader submitted
to Seyda Neen note. Fixed spelling of Pelagaid throughout the
07-02-02 FAQ. Added the Guide to Vvardenfell section. Added Hla Oad
and Gnaar Mok sections.

07-04-02 V1.5 Added some more reader submissions (Keep them coming, I will
to keep adding them. If they are for a quest line I will probably
07-10-02 wait untill I write a walkthrough for the whole quest line.)
Added a note to the Gnaar Mok section. Added a note about the
Secretmaster level alchemy equipment. Updated the FAQ section.
Edited the Master Trainer Section a little. Fixed the Blunt
Weapon Master Trainer. Updated the credits section. Added a
new section to the alchemy section: Two Item Multiple Effect
Potions. Added a missed quest in Seyda Neen, and a Seyda Neen
Travel Section. Changed some of the town notes to reflect the
fact that the boxes, berrels, etc.. contain Random loot, and
not nessesaraly the items I had listed.

Section 3: Blades Quest

The Blades quests are the quests for the main story line of the game. There
are many more quests throughout the game, but these are the quests that you
need to complete to beat the game. There is no time limit, and you may
complete other quests while doing these quests.

Note: the areas that say you should be promoted in rank are assuming you meet
the skill requirements for the promotion.

3.1 Deliver a Package

After finishing your character, Socuelus Ergalla in the Census and
Excise Office in Seyda Neen will ask you to deliver a package to a man
named Caius Cosades in a town named Balmora.

Go to the Silt Strider (the giant tick) and pay the operator to take
you to Balmora. Caius is located in a house in the northeast corner of
town on the east side of the river that divides the town.

Upon delivering the package, Caius will induct you into the Blades and
give you 200 gold to equip yourself before giving you your orders.

3.2 Dwemer Puzzle Box

After getting equipped, return to Caius and ask about your "orders".
Caius will mention that he needs information from a man named Hasphat
Antabolis in the Balmora Fighters Guild. Caius will also mention that
you will most likely need to do a favor for Hasphat before he will tell
you anything. Before you go, Caius will give you access to any books in
his house.

To get to the Fighters Guild, cross the northernmost bridge to the west
side of town, go up the first flight of stairs and turn south before
you get to the second flight. The Fighters Guild is on the left, and
Hasphat is downstairs in the lower level. Once you speak with Hasphat
you will find out that he will be happy to give up the information....
For a price. He requests you to retrieve a Dwemer Puzzle Box from a
ruin named Arkngthand.

To get to Arkngthand, head south out of town past the Silt Strider
port, then cross the bridges east over the Odai River. At the sign
post, head north towards Caldera. Immediately on the right you will see
a signpost for Molag Mar, turn right and head uphill on an old road to
cross an ancient Dwemer Bridge over Foyada Mamaca (note that a wizard
will attack you the first time you cross this bridge, he will summon a
skeleton, defeat the wizard and both will disappear). The entrance is
on the east side of the foyada, south of the bridge. Turn a crank on a
pipe nearby to open the door.

To find the cube, follow the rocks on the side of the wall all the way
to the bottom floor of the room. There will be rocks in front of you,
climb them until you are on the second floor on the west side of the
cavern. Go through the door into the "Cells of Hollow Hand" (If you
follow the above directions you should end up in the Cells of Hollow
Hand near the begining of the dungeon, not deep within the dungeon).
Defeat the guy inside, his name is Boss Citra (if he is not in the
room, then you are in the wrong room.), the Puzzle Box is on the
bottom shelf to the left of the door (as you enter, right if you are
facing the door. I assure you that the box is in this room on one of
the shelves, It is the size of a rubics cube. If you can't find it,
check every shelf). Grab the box and backtrack out of the dungeon.
Return the box to Hasphat in Balmora.

Note: Please read and follow the directions above before writing me
asking where the box is. Thank you.

Hasphat will take the box and give you some notes to take back to

3.3 The Skull of Llewle

Caius will ask you to speak with Sharn gra-Muzgb in the Balmora Mages
Guild and get some additional information. Again you will need to do a
favor before the info will be given. The Mages Guild is one door south
of the Fighters Guild. Sharn Gra-Muzgob is the Orc Wizard downstairs
and to the left in the lower level of the Mage Guild

Sharn will ask you to retrieve the skull of Llewle Andrano from the
Andrano Ancestral Tomb. If you ask about the tomb, Sharn will give you
a Fireblade, 2 scrolls of Taldam's Scorcher, and 2 scrolls of Vitality.

The tomb is south of Pelagiad, just off the road, just before you
reach the fork in the road that goes southwest towards Seyda Neen and
southeast to Vivec.

To find the skull, go down the stairs, then follow the hallway on the
left until you come to a room with 2 skeletons. There is a door in the
hallway on the other side of the room. Go through the door and follow
the hallway down. The skull is in a room on the right side behind the
door. Grab the skull and return to Sharn in Balmora. Give him the skull
and ask about "Nerevarine" and Sharn will give you some notes to take
back to Caius.

Upon returning the notes to Caius you will be promoted to Blades
Apprentice and you will be given a few scrolls.

3.4 Vivec Interviews

Sleep on night, and you will have a strange dream. Go back and talk
with Caius and get your next orders. There are 3 more people that he
wants you to interview.
Addhiranirr - a khajiit Thieves Guild member in the St. Olms section in
Huleeya - an argonian in the Morag Tong member in the Black Shalk Bar
located in the lower waistworks of the Foreign Quarter section of
and Mehra Milo - a temple priestace in the library of the Hall of
wisdom and Justice in Vivec (she has copper hair and eyes). Caius will
give you a parchment with this info and 200 gold to aid you in your

Take the Silt Strider to Vivec. When you get there you will be near the
Foreign Quarter, so the first person to interview will be Huleeya.

Huleeya - To get to the lower waistworks, take one of the four ramps up
to the next level of the canton, and enter one of the doors labeled
Lower Waistworks. The Black Shalk is in the middle hallway on the east
side. Huleeya is the only Argonian in the place. When you speak with
him, he will mention that he wants to go to his friends bookstore, but
some troublesome fools are preventing him. Ask him about each topic
and you will learn that his friend’s bookstore is Jobasha's Rare Books,
but you need to persuade the troublesome fools to let him go. Talk to
one of the fools and use bribes (or admiration if you are the opposite
sex) to get a good rep with them, then ask about the filthy lizard. If
they say "they don't care" then you have done your job. Talk once again
to Huleeya. He wants you to escort him to the bookstore. Jobasha's
Bookstore is in the middle hallway on the west side of the Lower
Waistworks. Once inside, talk to him about the Nerevarine Cult, and he
will give you some notes to take to Caius.

Next we look for Addhirnirr. Leave the Lower Waistworks and go back
downstairs and cross the bridge to the south to get to the Redoran
canton. Now walk across the east bridge to the Arena canton, once again
cross the south bridge to the St. Olms canton. Once there you will need
to go to either the east or west side of the canton to go up to the
Waistwork level and enter. Next go downstairs and into the Canal Works.
Go down the stairs and you will see a trap door to the St. Olms
Underworks and enter. Addhiranirr is on the northeast side of the
canals. Talk to her and she will mention that she is in a little spot
of trouble. Ask her about the Census and Excise Agent. She wants you to
make this person go away before she will give up any info. The taxman
is upstairs in the St. Olms Waistworks near where you came in. His name
is Duvianus Platorius and he is on the north side. Talk to him and lie
to him, saying "she went to the mainland". Now go back and talk to
Addhiranirr. Ask Addhiranirr about the Sixth House Cult. She will give
you all the information that she knows. Since you are done with
Addhiranirr you should leave and return to the outside of the St. Olms

Now for the last interview.... Mehra Milo. Head to the southwest corner
and cross the bridge to the Temple canton. Enter the Hall of Wisdom
straight ahead. Go down the hallway about half way (next to an
Ordinator) , there are two ramps to your left and right that lead to
the Library. Mehra is the woman with copper hair and eyes, talk with
her and she will want to talk to you at the back of the Library.
Follow her and talk with her again. Ask her about the Nerevarine Cult
and the book "Progress of Truth". She tells you to get a copy of
"Progress of Truth" for Caius. There is a copy on the top shelf in
the southwest corner of the library, if you can steal it. If your
thieving skills are not up to par, you can buy (or steal) a copy from
Jobasha's Rare Bookstore in the Foreign Quarter.

Return to Caius. Upon talking with him you will be promoted to
Journeyman of the Blades. You will also get 200 gold.

3.5 Ashlander Informant

Caius will tell you that you are in need of an Ashlander Informant, and
someone by the name of Hassour Zainsubani fits the bill. Caius tells
you that Hassour likes gifts, so Caius gives you 100 gold to get him a
little something.

Take the Silt Strider to Ald-Ruhn. Hassour Zainsubani is in the
Ald Kkar Inn. The inn is in the northwest corner of the city next to
the Council Club. To find Hassour, go up the stairs to the bar, on the
right side of the bar is a staircase down. Go downstairs and Hassour is
in the back of the room.

Talk to Hassour about business. Ask about "Gift giving customs"
(the other two options will offend him and lower your Rep), next ask
about a "thoughtful gift" and if your speechcraft skill is good enough
he will take your earnest thought and effort as an acceptable gift. If
your skill is not high enough, he will ask you to find him a book of
poetry, if this is the case you can go to the local book store in
the market district of Ald'Ruhn. You'll find several, there is
Ashlander Hymns and some other books with 'Songs' in the title of it,
if you've got the money buy all three if you want but you can just buy
Ashlander Hymns. Return to Hassour and give him the book. Ask about
the "Ashlanders", and he will give you some notes to take back to

Return to Caius and show him the notes. You will be promoted to Blades
Finder, and told what was in the package that you delivered to Caius.
He says that the Emperor feels that you might be the one to fulfill the
Nerevarine prophecies. He will give you a decoded copy of the package
and 200 gold.

3.6 Urshilaku Camp

Caius now wants you to go to the Urshilaku Camp to speak with some
Ashlanders named Sul-Matuul and Nibani Maesa.

To get to the Urshilaku Camp, take the Silt Strider to Ald-Rhun, then
take a Silt Strider to Maar Gan. Leave Maar Gan due east, then take a
trail north to the Foyada Bani-Dad. Follow the Foyada northwest to the
sea. A shipwreck at the sea mouth of the ravine is a landmark. Swim
east through the ruins of Assurnabitashpi Shrine. Avoid the Daedra
here, as they are powerful and aggressive. Urshilaku Camp lies east
of the ruins, inland in a low hollow.

When you get to the Urshilaku Camp you must speak with any of the
wandering Ashlanders. Choose to "talk" with one then discuss the
"Nerevarine Prophecies" Tell them that "you fulfill the prophecies, and
wish to speak with Sul-Matuul and Nibani Maesa". They will send you to
Zabamund to decide if there is truth to what you say. Zabamund's Yurt
is the second Yurt from the right in the Large tent containing multiple
Yurts to the south. Speak with Zabamund about the "Nerevarine
Prophecies" and offer to pay a 200 gold tribute, and he will direct
you to the Ashkhan's Yurt to speak with Sul-Matuul.

Note: Reader Digisciple sent in the following:
I own Morrowind for the Xbox and I noticed a difference from your
walkthrough. When you first get to the Urshilaku camp, I had to bribe
the snot out of one of them (any will work) before they would even
talk to me. I think I spent around 300 or so before they would talk
about the Nereveraine

The Ashkhan's Yurt is next door to the south. Speak with Sul-Matuul
about the prophecies, next ask about the initiation rite. Sul-Matuul
wants you to retrieve a family heirloom.... Sul-Senipul's Bonebiter Bow
from the Urshilaku Burial Caverns, before he will let you speak with
the wisewoman, Nibani Maesa.

The burial ground lies south- southeast of the camp. A north-facing
door in a little hill halfway between the camp and the slopes of the
Red Mountains. The easiest way to find the Burialground id to go north
to the water, then turn east. At a rock carin (a little pile of rocks
that looks like a pile of dog crap) on the beach, turn and walk
directly south until you find the door to the cavern.

To find the bow once you are in the burialgrounds keep moving south and
go through the door. Follow the cave until you come to a large chamber
filled with water, then turn south and go through the door into the
Laterus Burial Chamber. Navigate your way up the stone spiral to the
top and through the door into the Juno Burial Chamber. At the end of
this chamber is a ghost, which you must kill. After you kill the ghost,
search it's remains to find the bow. Now backtrack out of the Cavern
and return to Sul-Matuul. Upon returning and showing the bow to
Sul-matuul, you will be initiated into the tribe, be named "Clanfriend
of the Ashlanders", you will also be allowed to keep the bow. Since
you are now part of the tribe, you will be allowed to see Nibani Maesa.

Nibani Maesa is located in the northernmost Yurt, called the Wise
Woman’s Yurt. Speak with her about the prophecies, you may then ask
many questions to find out much history about the prophecies, but all
you have to ask is if "you pass the test". She will tell you that
you are not the Nerevarine, but you could be. She asks you to find a
book called "The Lost Prophecies" and return it to her. She will give
you to books to read, "The Seven Visions" and "The Stranger".

For the time being, you have done enough to please Caius, so return
and speak with him. Caius will send word to Mehra Milo to look for the
"Lost Prophecies", and will give you a task to keep you busy until he
gets an answer.

3.7 SixthHouse Base

Caius wants you to go to Fort Buckmoth and speak with Champion Raesa
Pullia and find out about a SixthHouse Base. Once she tells you where
it is, Caius wants you to go there and kill Dagoth Gares and return a
full report. Before you go, Caius will give you 400 gold to get

Fort Buckmoth is a short walk south from the southern gate of Ald-Rhun.
Once you are at the fort, enter the door to the interior and Raesa
Pullia is straight ahead. Raesa tells you that a trooper came back from
the SixthHouse Base with Corprus disease and died, but not before he
talked about a cavern near Gnaar Mok called "Ilunibi", that is the
SixthHouse Base. Gnaar Mok locals might have a better idea of where the
cavern is.

To get to Gnaar Mok from Ald-Rhun, take the Balmora Road west, At the
Gnisis-Balmora-Ald-Rhun signpost go south, then immediately west on a
side road to Drulene Falen's Cottage. Then head cross-country west to
the coast, with the Dunmer stronghold at Andasreth as a landmark. When
you hit the coast, turn south. Gnaar Mok is an island off the coast
with a plank bridge connecting it to the mainland. Ilunibi is a little
island on the north side of Gnaar Mok.

Once inside Ilunibi, walk straight ahead until the fork in the road,
turn left and go through the door into Tainted Marrow. Continue
straight past the crossroads until you reach the door into Marowak's
Spine. Walk to the crossroad and turn right and go through the door
into Blackened Heart. Follow the cavern and turn Left at the
crossroad, and left again at the next crossroad, continue straight
until you reach a door to Souls Rattle. Go through the door and
continue to the second set of crossroads, and Dagoth Gares will come
out to meet you. After you kill him, you will get corprus (there is
nothing you can do about this, it will happen no matter what). Loot
his body. Now that you have killed Dagoth, you are finished here.
Return to Balmora.

Once you talk with Caius, you will be promoted to Blades Traveler.

3.8 Corprus Cure

Caius tells you that he has a lead on a Corprus cure. Divayth Fyr, an
ancient Telvanni wizard, runs a Corprusarium. Caius will give you a
Dwemer Artifact, 1000 gold, and a few levitation potions before he
sends you on your way.

To get to Tel Fyr, go to the Balmora Mage Guild and use the Guild Guide
to travel to Sadrith Mora (actually Wolverine Hall), walk outside of
the building, swim southwest until you see a large tower. You will
need levitation potions or spells in the tower, because there are no
stairs. The entrance to the tower is on the north side at water level.
Enter the tower via the door marked Onynx Hall, turn to the right
before you enter the room ahead of you, and follow the hall upstairs
and through the door into the Hall of Fyr. Walk forward a few steps and
look up. Use one of the levitation spells or potions to get up to the
next level and go north to find Divayth Fyr. Talk with Divayth and
offer the Dwemer piece as a gift. Ask about the "divine disease" and
"corprus disease". He will mention that corprus makes you immune to
disease......Just like the Nerevarine. Tell him that "you may fulfill
the prophecy", and he will send you to the Corprusarium to retrieve
some boots from Yagrum Bagarn, and return them to him, before he will
give you a potion that might cure you of your corprus disease.

To get to the Corprusarium you must go back to the Onynx Hall, follow
the hallway downstairs until you come to a crossroad, turn right and
the door to the Corprusarium is in the back of that room. DO NOT attack
anyone in the corprusarium. Enter the Corprusarium and turn left at the
crossroad, follow the hall and turn right at the next crossroad and go
through to door into the Corprusairum Bowles. Turn left at the next
crossroads and follow the path. Yagrum Bagarn will be the guy with the
spider legs. Talk with him to get the boots.

Return the boots and Divayth Fyr will give you the potion on one
condition, that you take the potion in front of him. Do so and you will
no longer have any symptoms of Corprus, but retain all of the
immunities that corprus provided.

Return to Caius in Balmora via the mage guide in Wolverine Hall near
Sadrith Mora. Upon returning you will be promoted to Blades Operative
and receive 750 gold, magic black pants, magic black shirt, and Caius'
Ring. Caius is giving you all of this stuff because he has been
recalled to the Imperial City. He is leaving you in charge, and with
full access to his house. He will give you one more set of instructions
before he leaves.

3.9 Lost Prophecies

Now that you no longer have corprus, you need to finis finding the Lost
Prophecies. Caius tells you to go and talk with Mehra Miro back in
Vivec City. She is being watched, so you might have to find her private
quarters. She will leave you a message under the codeword "Amaya". Once
you have the prophecies, take them back to Nibani Maesa. From that
point on you will be following Nibani's direction in fulfilling the

Take the Silt Strider back to Vivec, then go to the Hall of Wisdom.
Go midway down the hall, then take a few steps south and go down the
hall to the right. Make a U-turn and go up the stairs, turn right, and
Mehra's door is the last door on the right. Pick the 20th level lock
on the door and enter. The note is on the dresser. The note tells you
that she went to see the Inquisitor in the Ministry of Truth. Meet her
there and bring a couple of Divine Intervention Scrolls. (if you don't
have 2, you can get them from Janad Maulinie at the Mage Guild in the
northwest corner of the very top of the Foreign Quarter). Before you go
to the Ministry of Truth, grab the levitation potions on the dresser.

The Ministry of Truth is the floating rock above the Temple Canton. Use
a levitation potion and fly up to it. Speak with Alvela Saram, and tell
him that you are going to visit someone, and he will give you his key
and tell you where Mehra is. Go all the way around and in the back door
into The Ministry of Truth. Once in you will have to sneak around,
because if you are spotted the sentries will sound the alarm and you
will be attacked. At the first crossroad turn left or right and follow
the path up and around, the door to the prison keep is directly ahead.
Go through the door, you will be spotted right away (I don't know what
the penalty for killing the guard is, so I just avoided them), run past
the guards and unlock the southern most holding cell. Mehra is inside.
Talk with her and tell her you brought the scrolls. She will take one.
She wants you to meet her in Holamayan. She tells you talk to a woman
named Blatta Hatera on the east docks of Ebonheart and tell her "you
want to go fishing" and you will be taken to Holamayn. She will meet
you when you get there. When you get there you will be able to get the
"Lost Prophecies" from Master Gilvas Barelo. Speak with Vevrana Aryon,
a monk at the dock to find the entrance to Holamayn.

Use the Divine Intervention scroll to take you to Ebonheart. Go to the
east docks, Blatta Hatera is on the northern dock. Tell her you want to
go fishing, then travel to the Azura's Coast Region. Vevrana Aryon will
be straight ahead. Vevrana will tell you how to get to the monastery
and tell you that she can send you back to Vivec when you are ready.
To get to the monastery follow the path uphill until you come to the
foot of the monastery. Wait until 6 am or 6 pm, and the monastery will
open up for you. Once inside, take the stairs to the right down, you
will find Mhera and Master Barelo in the room. Speak with master Barelo
about the "Lost Prophecies" and he will give them to you. He will also
give you "The Seven Curses" and "Kagrenae's Tools".

Return to Nibani Maesa in the Urshilaku Camp. Speak with her, and she
will tell you to return in a while, so she can think about what you
have told her.

3.10 Third Trial

Talk with Nibani again and ask her about "her judgment". She will tell
you that you have passed the first and second trials. She sends you to
Sul-Matuul to learn of the third trial, and return to her after it has
been completed.

Speak with Sul-Matuul and ask about the third trial. Before he will
tell you what the third trial is he wants you to prove yourself and
bring back three tokens from Kogoruhn: some corprus weepings, a cup
with the mark of the house of Dagoth, and the shadow shield.

To get to Kogoruhn, walk south out of camp until you come to a path
going east-west to the foot of the mountains, follow this path east.
Walk past Falasmaryon (it will be on your right), follow the path
around the bend until the path forms a T, take the east path and
Kogoruhn will be on your left. Enter the Dome of Pollock's Eye on the
south east corner of Kogoruhn. Defeat the Dagoth Girer inside. You will
find a Dagoth cup on one of the tables, along with some Corprus
Weepings under an urn directly across from the door. Exit and go to the
door marked Hall of Phisto and enter. Turn left and follow the hall
until you see stairs leading to the door to the Hall of Maki.
Go through the door and walk straight, through the wooden door and into
the large chamber, take the left walkway down and through the wooden
door. Turn north and go through the door, go down to the lower level
and continue north to the locked door into Nabith Waterway. Take the
left side walkway around until you come to the tube on the left, and
go into the tunnel and follow it until you come to the room, go around
the room and through the door into Charma's Breath (in this chamber is
a Vampire named Dagoth Uthol. You will have to kill him later in the
quest, or you can kill him now if you want to. If you decide to kill
him, loot his body and take the Belt of Heartfire). Follow the path
around until the crossroads, turn right and go through the door marked
Bleading Heart. Go forward and turn right at the crossroads, continue
forward until you come to the next crossroad and turn right again. The
Shadow shield is straight ahead. Grab it and return to Sul-Matuul. (

Ask Sul-Matuul about the third trial again, and he will reply with a
riddle. Basically you must gain the moon and star and return it to
Nibani. The third trial takes place in the Cavern Incarnate.

Leave the camp and head east along the coast until you come up to the
mountains (it is a bit of a hike. I have recieved a few comments that
these directions are not accurate, but they are, people have not been
walking far enough, you have to walk about 1/3rd the way across the
continent, like I said it is a loooong hike. ;) - If you have the
paper map that came with the game, look on the north coast, look where
the the crappy wasteland area meets up with the Grazelands. On the
west side of that mountain range is a path, that is the path that
leads to the Cavern.), when you get to the mountains there will be a
path going south, follow that path (if you see two large spikes of
rock (they are huge compared to all the other rocks sticking up from
the ground, like 3 times the size) flanking the path you are on the
right path, if not the path is east of you). Follow this path until
you come to the Cavern of the Incarnate. Wait until 6 am or 6 pm, then
the door will be able to be opened. Walk forward and take the Moon and
Star, at this point a movie will play and describe the next two trials.
You may speak with all of the failed Nerevarines and receive all of
the various items they give you. (If you have better directions to
the Cavern from the Camp, please email them to me, and I will add them
to the FAQ and give you credit).

-Bloodrose's alternate diections to the cavern-
The Cavern of the Incarnate is a lot easier to find if you go west
from Tel Vos. Take a boat from Sadrith Mora (teleport from any Mage
Guild to the Mage Guild in Sadrith Mora) to Tel Aruhn, then from Tel
Aruhn to Tel Mora.
Alternative boat route - go to Gnisis (Almsivi Intervention from
Urshilaku Camp) and walk north to Khuul. Take a boat to Dagon Fel,
then a boat to Tel Mora.
From there, go west until you reach Tel Vos. Continue going due west
till you reach the mountains. If you have Levitation (easily gotten
from a potion), fly over the mountains and land in the valley. Go
south and you'll find the Cavern.
If you don't have Levitation, follow the mountains north to the coast,
and then swim around them (if you get back to land and find a
Daedric ruin, you've gone too far west). You'll find a valley. Follow
it south to the Cavern

Return to Nibani and ask her about the seven trials and she will
acknowledge that you have passed the third trial.

She will also tell you about the Fourth and Fifth Trials.

The Fourth Trial is to unite the three Great Houses: Redorian, Hlaalu,
and Telvanni by having them all pronounce you Hortator.

The Fifth Trial is to unite the four Ashlander Tribes: The Urshilaku,
the Ahemmusa, the Zainab, and the Erabenimsum by pronouncing you

You may complete these next two trials in any order you wish, but
since we are already in an Ashlander camp, we will start with the
Fifth Trial first.

3.11 Fifth Trial Urshilku

Urshilaku - Speak with Sul-Matuul. Ask about being "Urshilaku
Nerevarine" then ask about the "need" and "duty". Ask once more about
being the Urshilaku Nerevarine. He will name you Nerevarine and give
you the Teeth of the Urshilaku to prove that the tribe named you
Nerevarine. Leave his yurt and speak with Nibani once more, and ask
her about the three remaining tribes so she will mark there locations
on your world map.

3.12 Fifth Trial Ahemmusa

Ahemmusa - To get to this camp, leave the Urshilaku camp to the north
and walk to the coast, then follow the coast west to the city of Khuul
(you may need to swim some of the way). Go to the docks in Khuul and
speak with Talmeni Drethan and travel to Dagon Fel. Talk with Haema
Farseer on the dock and travel to Tel Mora. Then speak with Tonas
Telvani on the dock and travel to Vos. Leave Vos and travel north
along the coast until the coast starts to go west (near the underwater
entrance to Eluba- Addon Grotto). From this point the camp is a short
walk southwest.

Once you are in the camp speak with Sinnammu Mirpal in the Wise
Woman's Yurt in the northwest corner of the camp. She wants you to
speak with some people before she will speak with you, they
are: Kausi, Dutadalk, and Yenammu. Kausi is in her yurt, which is the
first yurt on the left of the big tent. Go in and ask her about the
"Nerevarine". Next go next-door to Dutadalk's yurt and speak with both
Dutadalk and Yenammu about the "Nerevarine". Now that you have spoken
with these people, go back to Sinnammu and tell her you wish to be
named Nerevarine. Ask her about the "safe place". She now wants you to
go to Ald Daedroth and make it safe for the ashlander tribe to go,
then come back and escort her to Ald Daedroth to prove it is safe.
Once this is done she will name you Nerevarine.

To get to Ald Daedroth exit the camp heading north to the coast. Ald
Daedroth is on an island directly north of the camp (a looong swim or

Once you get to the shrine you will watch a Ordinator named Drores
Arvel engauge in a little fight, sit back and wait until he wins, then
approach him and speak with him. Tell him that you have come to "Loot
the Shrine" and he will tell you that the Ordinators inside will
leave you alone. Enter the door to go into the Outer Shrine and kill
the two people that will attack you (One of them has a sword that
casts paralyze for 10 seconds, so be careful and be prepared with a
couple of cure paralyzation potions). Go straight to the back of the
room and through the door into the Inner Shrine. Inside you will find
another Ordinator doing battle, leave him alone, but do kill the
Golden Saint, and the Dremora Lord in this room. Once this is done you
may exit the shrine and go back to Sinnammu and get her to follow you
back to the shrine. you don't have to worry about her getting attacked
on the swim to the shrine, as she waterwalks. Take her back to the
Inner Shrine and go behind the large statue in the middle of the room.
She will speak with you and offer to pronounce you Nerevarine of the
Ahemmusa Tribe, and give you the Madstone of the Ahemmusa. Now return
to the Ahemmusa Camp.

3.13 Fifth Trial Zainab

Zainab - From the Ahemmusa camp walk southwest to find a path. Follow
the path southwest, you will walk past the Nerano Ancestral tomb
(it will be on the left side "I think") enter the tomb and clear it
out, it isn't very big and only has a Greater Bonebiter, two skeletons,
an ancestral ghost, and Calvario who is a vampire. Make sure you kill
the vampire, and exit the tomb. Continue down the path as it wraps
around toward the east. When you come to the crossroad take the
southeast fork, walk a few steps until you come to another fork in
the road, continue on the southeast path. At the next crossroad take
the south path, Follow the path until you come to a T, go west then
take the south path at the next fork (you can check your world map if
you get lost). Keep going south and you will end up in the camp.

Go to the Wise Woman's Yurt on the east side of the camp, and ask for
her counsel. She will tell you to talk to the Ashkhan Kaushad. The
Ashkhan's yurt is in the middle of the large tent. Speak with him and
get your Rep with him up by bribing him. Tell him about the
"Nerevarine" and then "tell your story and ask to be named Nerevarine".
He will scoff at your claims, so ask him to set you a task. He wants
you to go to the Nerano Ancestral Tomb and kill a Vampire. Since you
have already done that talk to him again and he will acknowledge that
you killed the vampire, but before he names you Nerevarine he wants a
gift from you..... A Telvanni Wife. Go and speak with Sunnammu to find
out about his tastes. She will tell you to go to Tel Aruhn and by a
slave from Savile Imayn and pass her off as a Telvanni Bride.

Tel Aruhn is southeast of the camp, but before we go there we will
need to pick up an exquisite shirt, skirt, and shoes. So we will first
travel northeast to Vos first. Leave the camp to the north and follow
the signposts to Vos. Go to the docks and speak with Sedyni Veran to
travel to Tel Mora. Got to Eleynan the Clothiers in the south side of
town to buy the Exquisite shirt, skirt, and shoes. Return to the dock
and speak with Tonas Telvanni to travel to Tel Aruhn. Find Bildren
Areleth the Apothecary at the north end of town and buy some Telvanni
Bug Musk. Now go and find Savile Imayn. She is in the northwest side
of town near the underground entrance. Speak with her and ask for
"something special", next talk about "exquisite clothes" and then
about "something special" again. Now she wants you to buy some bug
musk, but since we already got that, so ask for "something special"
again and pay 1200 gold to buy Falura Llervu. Falura is just to the
left, speak with her and give her the gifts and have her follow you.

From Tel Aruhn travel northwest to get to the Zainab camp (you will
have to protect her as you swim across the sea). Once you get into
Kushad's Yurt, Falura Llervu will ask you if this is her bridegroom,
then talk with Kushad about his "Telvanni Bride" and he will pronounce
you Nerevarine and give you the Thong of Zainab.

3.14 Fifth Trial Erabenimsum

Erabenimsum - Go to Sadrith Mora via a boat ride from Vos, then swim
to Tel Fyr in the southwest. When you get to Tel Fyr swim west to the
shore of the mainland. Erabenimsum is to the southwest (use your map
to help guide the way).

Go to the wise woman's yurt in the center of the camp and speak with
her about the "Nerevarine Prophecies". She wants you to kill Ulath-Pal,
Ahaz, Ranabi, and Ashu-Ahhe, then convince Han-Ammu to be the next
Ashkhan. First take out Ranabi, his yurt is the first on the left in
the large tent. Go inside and kill him, then loot his body and take
the Robe of Erur-Dan. Now go next-door to Ashu-Ahhe's yurt and kill
him, Next go next-door to the Ashkhan's yurt and kill both men inside.
Loot the bodies and take the War Axe of Airan Ammu from Ulath-Pal, and
Saint-Kil's Heart of Fire from the body of Ahaz. Go back and talk with
the wise woman again, she will ask you to convince Han-Ammu to be the
next ashkhan. Han-Ammu is next-door to the Ashkhan's yurt. Speak with
him about "want to be ashkhan". Give the robe to Han-Ammu and make a
little speech, talk again about "want to be ashkhan" and give the
Heart of fire and make another speech, finally speak again about "want
to be ashkhan" and give the axe and give another speech. Now ask to be
named Nerevarine. Go back and talk with the wise woman about the
"Nerevarine Prophecies" then about the "Sizing of the Erabenimsum"
and she will give you the magic belt. (note: if you have a high
speechcraft or rep with Han-Ammu, you can just give the speech and
keep the items.)

Now you have completed the Fifth Trial, now we are going to unite
the three Dunmer houses to complete the Fourth Trial.

3.15 Fourth Trial House Redoran

House Redoran - Travel to Ald-Ruhn by whatever means you choose. Once
there travel to the Manor District (which is the huge building in the
north of the city). Enter the Sarethi Mannor, which is on the upper
level at the 9 o'clock position. Speak with Athyn Sarethi (the guy in
the red robe), and ask him about the "Redoran Hortator", then "tell him
your story and ask to be named". Athyn will ask you to rescue his son
before he will vote you as Hortator.
* If you already belong to House Redoran, you will not have to rescue
his son to get Athyn's vote.

Athyn's son is in the Venim Mannor, which is on the upper level of
the Mannor district in the 5 o'clock position. Once you are in the
main hall turn right and go into the door marked "right wing". Go down
the stairs, to your right on a bench is a note and a key, steal the
key if your sneak skill is high enough, if your sneaking skill isn't
up to par you can just lockpick the door (50th lvl. lock). To the right
of the staircase is a short hallway with a tapestry hanging at the end.
Go to the tapestry and look behind it, you will find the door leading
to the room with Athyn's son. Unlock the door (either with the key or
lockpick) and go speak with Varvur Sarethi, Athyn's son, and tell him
you want to travel together. Once you leave the room with Varvus
following you, the guards will attack you. You can choose to run away
from the guards or fight and kill them. If you want to kill them, DO
NOT KILL BOLVYN. I usually choose to run away as you can usually make
it to the door with Varvur before they do. Leave the Mannor the same
way you came in and return to Sarethi Mannor. When you get close
enough to Athyn with his son following he will thank you (without
having to enter a conversation), once he thanks you speak with him
about the "Redoran Hortator" and he will give you his vote.

For most of the other Redoran councilors all you have to do is ask
them and they will give you there vote.

Miner Arobar - Arobar Mannor is in the Mannor District, upper level,
in the 2o'clock position. Enter the manor and walk straight back and
into the Guard bedrooms, continue straight through into the private
bedrooms, turn right and enter the manor bedrooms, go into the bedroom
on the left Miner Arobar is inside, Speak with him about the "Redoran
Hortator" to get his vote.

Garisa Llethri - Llethri Mannor is in the Mannor District, upper level,
in the 11 o'clock position. Enter the Mannor and go downstairs and
straight through to the manor bedrooms, follow the hallway and enter
the first door on the right. Garisa is straight ahead. Speak with her
about the "Redoran Hortator" to get her vote.

Barara Morvayn - Barara is in the council Hall located in the Mannor
District upper level, 12 o'clock position. It is the manor with three
doors. Enter the manor and walk straight to the back and go through
the doors into the Council Hall. Walk downstairs and to the northwest
corner, there you will find the door to Morvayn's Quarters. Enter and
go to the back room to find Barara. Speak with her about the "Redoran
Hortator" to get her vote.

Hlaren Ramoren - Ramnren Mannor is in the Mannor District, upper level,
in the 7 o'clock position. Enter the manor and walk straight back
into the private quarters. Hlaren is in the Bonemold Armor. Speak with
him about the "Redoran Hortator" to receive his vote.

Bolvyn Venim - Venim Mannor is in the Mannor District, upper level, in
the 5 o'clock position. Walk straight to the back and enter the
private quarters. Go down then up the stairs and turn to the left.
Bolvyn is in the room straight ahead of you. Bolvyn will not give you
his vote for Hortator, instead he wants to meet you in the Arena
section of Vivec and engauge you in a duel to the death. He tells you
that he will meet you there. Go to the Arena Section of Vivec via
Stilt Strider and Gondola ride. When you get off of the Gondola in
Arena, walk up the ramp to the upper level and enter the waistworks.
Take the northern hallway and then go east or west as there are stairs
that wrap around going up, follow them and go to the door to the Arena
Pit. (before you go in make sure you are ready for a fight, as Bolvyn
will attack you as soon as you enter). Enter the door and Bolvyn will
attack you (make sure you have plenty of healing spells, scrolls,
potions because Bolvyn is strong and well armored). Defeat Bolvyn
and loot his body.

Return to Ald-Ruhn and speak with Athyn about the "Redoran Hortator"
again, this time you will be named Hortator and given a public notice
revealing you as an Imperial spy, a note from Archeanon, and the ring
of the Hortator.

Now that we are Hortator of the Redoran House we are off to the
Telvanni House

3.16 Fourth Trial Telvanni House

From Ald-Ruhn take the Silt Strider to Khuul, Then a boat from Khuul
to Dagon Fel, then take the boat from Dagon Fel to Tel Mora, Then take
the boat from Tel Mora to Vos. Leave Vos heading northwest until you
reach Tel Vos. (for this part of the quest you will need a good amount
of Levitation scrolls or potions, or a levitation spell).

Master Aryon - Walk next the entrance to the south tower in Tel Vos,
but do not enter, instead cast a levitation spell and fly up to the
top of the tallest tower. The Entrance to Master Aryons room is facing
south. Speak with Aryon and tell him why you want to be named Hortator,
he will give you his vote. You can also talk with him about the other
councilors if you want to. When you are finished speaking with him
return to Tel Mora.

Mistress Dratha - When you are back in Tel Mora, walk up the spiral of
the main tower and enter the door into the "upper tower". Walk up the
staircase to your right and follow the hallway, Dratha is at the end
of the hall.
*If your character is a woman, she will give you her vote without a
*If your character is a man you must use persuasion (bribes, not
admiration) to get your rep with her up really high, then "hurl
yourself at her feet and beg" before she will give you her vote.
Once she gives you her vote she will also give you a Summon Golden
Saint Scroll. Leave Tel Mora and take a boat to Tel Aruhn.

Gothren - When you are in the Tel Aruhn docks go toward Tel Aruhn and
go through the underground passage into Tel Aruhn. Levitate to the top
of the tower and enter the door to the upper tower. Walk up the stairs
and Gothren is in the back with two Dremora guards. Speak with Gothren
about being the "Telvanni Hortator" and he will tell you he needs more
time to decide (no matter how long you wait he will always tell you
this, so we have to kill him). keep insulting him until he attacks
you (If your Rep is down to zero and he has not attacked you, bribe
him to get your rep up again then insult him again. Once you kill him
you will get your money back), Kill him and the Dremora guards (you
will need a lot of healing and cure paralysis). Once he is dead leave
Tel Aruhn and take a boat to Sadrith Mora.

Master Neloth - Once in Sadrith Mora docks, walk east and you will
come to the Tel Naga Tower, levitate to the top and enter the "upper
tower" door. Neltoh is straight ahead. Raise your rep with whim to ~70
and ask him to vote for you as "Telvanni Hortator", he will give you
his vote. Leave the tower, and go back to the docks. Take a boat to
Tel Branora.

Mistress Therana - After your boat ride to the Tel Branora docks head
east to the tower. Walk up the spiral walkway and go through the door
into the "upper tower". Go down the stairs and through the hall on
your left, enter the door on your right into Therama's chamber.
Levitate up the chute, go down the hall into the room on your left.
Hopefully you have a speechcraft of 30, if not find a way to boost it
and speak with Therama. Amuse her, then ask for her vote to be
"Telvanni Hortator" and she will agree. You can also kill her if you
don't have the necessary speeechcraft skill. Leave Tel Branora tower
and go back to the docks and travel back to Vivec Foreign Quarter. Walk
to the Silt Strider and take it to Balmora, then Ald-Ruhn, then

Master Baladas - When you get to Gnisis walk to Arvs-Drelen, just
northwest of the Gnisis Temple. Enter Arvs- Drelen and go straight
through the wooden door, turn left and follow the hall, turn left
again and the hall will start to go up. Untrap and unlock the door
(50th lvl.) and enter. Go to the back of the room and up the stairs,
Baladas is in the room. Speak with him and get your Rep with him up,
then ask for his vote to be "Telvanni Hortator", and he will give you
his vote. Exit Arvs-Drelen and return to Tel Vos.

Now that we have all of the votes to be named Telvanni Hortator we
need to return to Master Aryon. Speak with him and mention "Telvanni
Hortator" again and he will pronounce you Hortator, and give you a
robe to prove it.

Note: If you have any trouble getting any of the councilors to give
you there vote, you may kill them. The Telvanni don't seem to mind.
The Only councilor you can't kill is Master Aryon, as he is the one
to finally pronounce you Hortator.

3.17 Fourth Trial Hlaalu House

Convincing the Hlaalu House to name you Hortator can be costly, you
will need about 3000 gold to help you plead your case. The Hlaalu
councilors are in and around Vivec, so travel back to Vivec.

Crassius Curio - Take the gondola from the Foreign Quarter to the
Hlaalu section of Vivec. Walk to the top of the canton and enter the
Hlaalu Plaza. Enter the Curio manor on the mideast side of the plaza.
Crassius is in a room downstairs and to the right and back. Speak with
Crassius, tell him your story, and give him 1000 gold to get his vote
for Hortator. Exit the canton and go back to the lowest level.

Yngling Half-Troll - Take the gondola to the Arena Section of Vivec.
Walk from the gondola east, then south across the bridge to the
St. Olms Canton. Walk up to the top and enter the Plaza. Enter
Yngling's Mannor on the midwest side of the plaza Yngling is behind
the door on the left. Tell him your story and pay him off with 2000
gold (If you talk to all of the other councilors first, you can kill
Yngling instead of paying him, but I just paid) to get his vote.
Leave the Mannor.

Dram Bero - Go into the Haunted manor on the southeast corner of the
plaza. Dram is locked away in the basement behind a locked door
(50th lvl.). There are some lockpicks at the bottom of the table in
the southwest corner of the room. Pick the lock and enter the
basement. Dram is behind the door on the right, past the dining room.
Talk with him and tell your story to get his vote for Hortator.

Orvas Dren - Leave Vivec heading north, and head toward the Dren
Plantation (the plantation is directly north of Vivec, use your world
map to help guide you in case you get lost).Dren's Villa is in the
southeast corner of the plantation. Enter the villa, turn left and
follow the hallway, turn right and go up the stairs, follow the hall
and you will see a desk in front of you. On the desk is a key to the
villa and some gold. Back up a few steps and turn right, go up the
stairs and Dren will be straight ahead. There are three ways to get
Dren's vote for Hortator.
*Persuade him enough to get a 90 rep with him, and tell him you want
to protect Morrowind from the EMPIRE (this is the option I choose)
*Tell him you wish to bring peace to Morrowind, let him attack you,
then kill him.
*Use the key you found on the desk on the basement door, Kill the
guards, then open the locked and trapped small chest on the shelves
to the left. Inside there is a note (which you will use to blackmail
Dren, 2 grand soul gems, and some other goodies. Then go and talk to
Dren and use the note to blackmail him into giving you his vote.

Nevena - Leave the Dren Plantation on the east road heading north,
follow the path until you come to a sign post pointing toward Suran.
Follow the road toward Suran, when you come to the bridge turn
around and you will see Ules Mannor to the south, enter the manor.
Go all the way upstairs to find Nevena and ask for her vote for
Hortator and she will agree. Exit the manor and continue to Suran.

Velanda - Take the Suran Silt Strider back to Vivec, then take the
Foreign Quarter gondola to the Telvanni Canton. Then use the bridge
to the east to leave Vivic. Continue east until you come to the road
going north-south. Take this road south, continue until you come to
Omari Mannor, enter the manor. Go all the way upstairs to find
Velanda, ask for her vote for Hortator and she will agree. Leave the
manor and retrace your steps back to Vivec.

Go back to the Hlaalu Canton and speak with Crassius again about
being named "Hlaalu Hortator", He will name you Hortator and give you
the Belt of the Hortator.

Congratulations, you have fulfilled the Fourth Trial.

3.18 The Archcanon and Vivec

Now we have to see Lord Tholer Saryoni, Archpriest of the High Fane.
Go to the Temple Canton, which is the southernmost canton. Speak with
Danso Indules atop of the temple in front of the hallway through the
middle of the canton, tell her you "wish to meet the Archcanon". She
will tell you that the Archcanon wants to meet you, but you are
wanted by the ordinators, so you should avoid them by magic or
stealth. (as a side note, I spoke with many ordinators after I was
told this, and they did nothing. Might be a little glitch.)

Go to the Hall of Wisdom and walk a few paces south of the midpoint
of the hallway, walk west toward the door to the Hall of Justice, then
turn south and go up the stairs. Pick the lock to the High Fanes room
(50th lvl.) Go inside and speak with Tholer Saryoni about the
"Temple's Doctrine" and agree to meet Vivec. He will give you a key
to Vivec's Temple, and a key to his back door (the door whose lock we
just picked).

Leave the Hall of Wisdom and cross the south bridge to go to Vivec's
Temple, go in and speak with Lord Vivec about business and accept
the Wraithgaurd, now ask how to defeat Dagoth Ur and Vivec will give
you a detailed plan. When you are Done with Vivec it is time to head
to Ghostgate. Leave Vivec and take the Silt Strider to Balmora.

3.19 Ghostgate

Leave Balmora south, and take the road going east. When you come to
the signpost take the road toward Caldera for a few feet then turn
east and go uphill. Cross the Old Dwemer Bridge, then turn around and
go down into the ravine. Follow the Ravine north past the Deadric
Shrine. Eventually you will come to Ghostgate. Explore the two towers
of Dawn and Dusk to stock up on supplies, such as restore health, and
restore stat potions, Levitation scrolls or potions, and get armor
fixed. Make sure you speak with one of the priests or Ordinator about
the "Red Mountain" to get a map of the mountain, which will update
your world map with the temple locations (very helpful for navigating
since my directions for this area are really vague for this part).
When you are done leave the towers and hit the switches to enter the
Red Mountain area.

3.20 First Vampire

Killing this Vampire is optional, but it will make fighting Dagoth Ur
much easier.

The First Vampire Dagoth Uthol is in the Charmara's Breath section of
the Kogoruhun Cavern, just east of Vemynal. Enter the cavern, and
Dagoth Uthol will be right in front of you. The easiest way to kill
him is run past him and jump over the lava, turn around and pick him
off with arrows when he gats stuck in, or at the edge of the lava.
Kill him and loot his body. Take the Belt of Heartfire and exit the
cavern. (You might have killed him while doing the precursor to the
Third Trial for Sul-Matuul)

3.21 Second Vampire

Killing this Vampire is optional, but it will make fighting Dagoth Ur
much easier.

Walk Directly north from Ghostgate, when you reach the Yassu Mine turn
northwest and follow the path, When you approach the wall turn north,
then veer east at the fork. Continue following the path to reach Endusal,
Enter the Temple. Walk straight through the door, turn left and go
through the next door. Dagoth Endus is inside, kill him and take the
Amulet of Heartrime from his body. Exit Endusal.

3.22 Third Vampire

Killing this Vampire is optional, but it will make fighting Dagoth Ur
much easier.

The Third Vampire is Dagoth Tureynul, and he is located in Tureynulal,
just northeast of Dagoth Ur's Citadel. Enter Kagrenac's Library in
Tureynulal. Dagoth Tureynul is straight ahead, behind a couple of doors.
Kill him and loot his body for the Amulet of Heartthrum. Leave the

3.23 Fourth Vampire and The Keening

The fourth Vampire, Dagoth Ordos, is in the Dwemer Training Academy in
Odrosal. Enter the Academy, walk straight ahead through the door, and
Dagoth Ordos is inside. Kill him and loot his body for the Amulet of
Heartfire, and Ordos Key. Leave the room and go down the hall to the
left. Unlock the door with Ordos' Key and enter the room. Go up the
ladder on the left wall to find the Keening. Exit the Training Hall.

3.24 Fifth Vampire and The Sunder

The next Vampire is Dagoth Vemyn located in Vemynal, which is northeast
of Dagoth Ur's Citadel. Enter the outer Fortress and turn right, follow
the hall around and turn down the first hallway on your right. Continue
straight ahead and into the Hall of Torque. Turn right and follow the
hall and turn into the first door on the right. Follow the stairs down
and go through two sets of doors. Dagoth Vemyn is in this room, kill him
and loot his body for The Sunder and the Amulet of Heartheal. Exit the

3.25 Sixth Vampire

Killing this Vampire is optional, but it will make fighting Dagoth Ur
much easier.

The sixth vampire, Dagoth Araynys, is not in the Red Mountains, he is
located near Berandas, which is southeast of Gnisis. You can get there by
casting Almsivi Intervention which should place you in Ald-Ruhn, then
taking a silt strider to Gnisis. Swim across the river to the southeast,
continue going southeast until you come to Berandas (use your world map
to help guide you). Now travel east, the place you are looking for is
called Mamaca, Sanctum of Awakening, this cavern faces east and is before
the Dusharian Shrine. Enter and walk straight ahead into the Sanctum of
Black Hope. Turn right after going through the door and follow the hall,
when you get to the locked door, go past and turn right again. Follow
the path and Dagoth Araynys will be ahead, Kill him and loot his body
for the Soul Ring. Leave the cavern and return to the Red Mountains.

3.26 Seventh Vampire

The best way to approach Dagoth Ur's Citidel (which is directly north of
Ghostgate) is from the north. Drop down into the crater and you will see
a door with a steel bubble around it (it looks like the door to the
Dwemer Dungoen where you found the Puzzle Box), south of this door is a
pipe with a crank on it, turn the crank to open the door, quickly return
north and enter the door into the Citidel. Go down the stairs and
through the door, walk around the hole in the floor and go through the
door ahead. Jump down the hole in the floor and continue straight ahead
into the inner facility. Go down the stairs and through the door on the
right, continue straight through two doors, then turn right, before the
third door. Go through the door on the right and go down the stairs and
through the door into the lower facility. Dagoth Gilvoth is straight
ahead, kill him and loot his body for the Blood Ring. Continue straight
and stand in front of the door to the Facility cavern.

Continue to section 3.27...

3.27 Dagoth Ur

...Continued from section 3.26

Dagoth Ur is behind this door, so rest up, and fortify yourself whit as
much magic, potions, and magic items as you want. Enter the door. Dagoth
Ur is standing there. Speak with him. If you do not posses the
Wraithsguard, The Keening, and The Sunder, Dagoth Ur will not fight you,
if you do have all these items, end your conversation with Dagoth Ur and
Kill him. When you defeat him he will just disappear and the door to
Akulakhan's Chamber will open. As you walk to the door heal yourself
again and prepare for another fight. In the entrance of the door there
is a Heart Ring on the floor. Before you enter the door, equip the
Wraithguard, then the Sunder. You must equip in this order or you will
take damage. Also equip a levitate or slowfall spell or potion. once
this is done, enter the chamber and immediately cast levitate or
slowfall. Forget the enemies around and fly (if levitating) or run and
jump (if you are using slowfall) toward the giant robot straight ahead.
Jump or fly off the ledge and land on the bridge below. Run up to the
heart and hit it once with The Sunder. Switch weapons to the Keening,
and strike the heart five times. Once you do this all of the enemies
will disappear. Run across the bridge then turn around to watch the
robot blow up and crumble. Follow the ledge around the cavern until you
are back where you started. Turn the crank on a pipe near the ledge to
open the door back to the Facility Cavern, and then go through the door.
As you try to leave the Facility cavern you will meet Azura, and the
ending movie will play. When the movie is over Azura will give you a
ring. Exit Dagoth Ur's Citadel and the sky will clear.

The world is safe from Dagoth Ur and his evil plans, but the game still
continues. You can still go and finish (or start) any remaining quests.

Section 4: Fighters Guild Quests

Go to Balmora via the Silt Strider, go down the ramp and go west, turn
north after the Lucky Lockup. The Fighters Guild is the Last building on
the right. Enter and go up stairs and speak with Eydis Fire-Eye who is
the Guild steward, and ask about joining the Fighters Guild. Once you
have joined, you can ask for your first set of orders.

Note: the areas that say you should be promoted in rank are assuming you
meet the skill requirements for the promotion.

4.1 The Rats

For your first set of orders you will get to play exterminator. You are
asked to get rid of the rats that have infested Drarayne Thelas' house.
Her house is along the river on the east side. Go there and speak with
Drarayne about the rats. She will tell you that the rats have taken over
the storeroom upstairs and she will give you a key. Before you go
upstairs to kill the rats, there is a rat behind a closed door in this
room, kill it, then go upstairs and kill all of the remaining rats. Go
back downstairs and speak with Drarayns about the "cave rats", she will
give you 100 gold.

Return to the Fighters Guild and speak with Fire-Eye about the rats. Ask
about advancement to be pronunced Fighters Guild Apprentice. Now ask for
your next orders.

4.2 Egg Poachers

Fire-Eye wants you to go to the Shulk Egg Mine and Kill Sevilo Othan and
Daynila Valas, a couple of people that have been charged as being egg

Shulk Egg Mine is southwest of Balmora, on the west bank of the river.
Leave Balmora and follow the river south, when you see the suspension
bridge crossing the river, turn west and you will find the mine.

Enter the mine and follow the cave all the way, untill you find the door
to the "Queens Lair" Enter the door and go west following the cave.
Somewhere along the line, Sevilo and daynila will attack you, kill them
and return to the Fighters Guild to speak with Fire-Eye.

Speak with Fire-Eye about the poachers to recieve 100 gold and four
potions of restore fatigue. Ask about advancement to be pronounced
Fighters Guild Journeyman. Get your next set of orders.

4.3 Trouble at Caldera Mine

Four Telvanni agents are causing touble in the Calders Mines. They are
Alynu Aralen, Sathasu Nerothren, Fothyna Herothran, and Alveleg. Kill
them and reurn.

To get to the mine, exit the Fighters Guild, go south one door and enter
the mages guild. Go downstairs and speak with Masalinie Merian the mage
guide to travel to Caldera. You will be transported to the Caldera Mages
Guild. Leave the town from the northwest gate and follow the path untill
you come to the signpost (near the naked guy). At the signpost take the
southern path, then at the next split, take the southeast path. Before
you get to the bridge to the Caldera Mining Post, turn to face northwest
and you should see a cave enterance with someone standing guard. Talk to
the person standing guard (Alveleg) about the Telvanni agents, once you
do, he will attack you, Kill him and enter the cave "Ashanammu". Follow
the cave untill you come to three people standing around, these are the
remaining agents. Speak with on about the Telvanni Agents to get them to
attack, then kill them all.

Return to the Fighters Guild and speak with Fire-Eye about the agents
and you will get 400 gold for your troubles. Ask about your next orders.

4.4 The Code Book

Fire-Eye wants you to retrieve a code book from Sottilde at the SouthWall
Cornerclub. The cornerclub is in the southeast corner of town on the east
side of the river. Go there and enter the club. Speak with Sottilde about
the codebook, and if you have a good enough rep with her, she will hand
the book over, use persuasion if needed.

Note: If you belong to both the Thieves Guild and the Fighters Guild at
the same time when you attempt this mission, Sottilde will not give you
the book at all. In this case you must taunt her untill she attacks you,
then kill her and take the book. When you do this you will be booted from
the Thieves Guild. To rejoin the Thieves Guild you must pay 1000 gold.

Note: Reader Bojangles sent in a tip for when you are in both guilds.
After a few days of playing, I arrived at the last leg of the Thieves'
Guild quests, with Gentleman Jim Stacey in Vivec. He starts asking you
to bribe the heads of the Fighter's Guild so they can protect the
Thieves' Guild. One of the people you bribe is Fire-Eye, the head of
the Balmora Fighter's Guild. After you bribe her with a certain sacred
relic, she pledges to aid the Thieves' Guild -- thus she doesn't request
you to do any jobs against the Thieves' Guild, and omits the quest for
the code book. Then you can ask her for the next job, because she called
the one for the code-book a sucess even though you didn't finish it!
This is a great solution to the quest if the Fighter's Guild isn't
really your "thing" and you want to get stronger before you do the
higher Fighter's Guild quests, because the Thieves' Guild quests are not
real combat related.

Return to Fire-Eye and speak about the code book, give her the code book
and you will recieve 50 gold. Ask abou tadvancement to be proclaimed
Fighters Guild Swordsman. Get your next orders.

4.5 Debt Money

Your next mission is to get 200 gold in debt money from Helviane Descle
in Suran. Once you bring back the money, Fire-Eye will split the money
with you.

Take the Silt Strider to Suran. Go to Desele's House of Earthly Delights
(It is the building with the red porch light). Desele is behind the bar,
speak with her, and if you have a high enough rep with her she will give
you the money, you may have to persuade her.

Once you have the money return to the Fighters Guild and speak with
Fire-Eye about it. Fire-Eye will give you 100 gold as your cut. Get your
next orders.

4.6 Orc Bounty

Fire-Eye tells you of a 250 gold bounty to kill an orc named
Dura gra-Bol. Dura gra-Bol lives on the east side of the river in
Balmora, on the southern end. Enter the hous and go upstairs to find
Dura. Speak with him and taunt him untill he attacks you, then kill him.

Return to Fire-Eye and tell her that you have killed Dura to recieve your
250 gold bounty.

When you try to get some more orders, Fire-Eye will tell you that she
has no more for anyone under the level of Fighters Guild Protector.
She tells you to check with the Guild chapters in Ald-Ruhn, Sadrith Mora,
or Vivec.

4.7 Ald-Ruhn Fighters Guild

The Fighters Guild is southeast of the Silt Strider. Enter the guild and
speak with Percius Mercius down the left stairwell.

4.8 Neromancers

Percius wants you to help Ulune Henim kill some necromancers in Vas. If
you ask about Vas, percius will mark it on your map. Leave the guild and
go to Khuul, then go to the docks and take a boat to Dagon Fel. Exit
Dagon Fel to the west, go south when the path splits. At the next split
go west (If you pass an orc named Bulak gra-Murug you are heading in the
right direction). Contunue west past a few forks in the road, you will
pass Pudai Egg Mine on your right, keep going west untill you get to the
next fork (where the south path leads to the water). Go north, then
follow the path west at the next fork. Waterwalk or swim west to Vas
(use your world map to help guide you).

When you get there Ulyne Henim will be waiting in front of the
enterance. Speak with her about fighting together, and enter the cave.
(There are ancestrial ghosts in here, to kill them you need to use magic,
a magic weapon, or a silver weapon). Walk forward, and turn down the
hallway on your left, then down the hall on your right, continue down to
the lower level. Enter the door o your right into the Vas,Tower (there
is a Dremora in here, so be carefull). Turn to the right and follow the
walkway leading up, go up the stairs and around the back of the room,
and up the stairs again. Daris Alram (the necromancer that must be
killed) is in this room. Get him to attack you, then kill him. Once he
is dead Ulyne will thank you, now you must return to Ald-Ruhn and speak
with Percius about the necromancers. Once you do you will be given 500
gold. Ask about advancement to be named Fighters Guild Protector. Ask
for your next orders.

4.9 Nerer Beneran The Outlaw

Percius wants you to kill Nerer Beneran, an outlaw hiding in Sargon,
north of Maar Gan. Leave the guild and travel to Khuul via Silt Strider,
then to Dagon Fel via boat ride. Follow the same path to the coast as
you did in the last mission, and swim to Vas again. Swim southwest to
the island with the Onnissiralis Shrine on it, then swim south to the
large island, the Assurdirapal Shrine is on this island. Walk to the
path and follow the path west (it will change direction, but will
generally go west) and eventually Sargon will be on your right. Enter
the cavern and follow the cave untill you come to Milynea Andrethi, go
through the door behind and to the left of her, go around the room to
get to the top of the platform, then walk across the wodden walkway into
the next room. Walk up the ladder behind Varon Sadralo, turn right and
cross the bridge. THe next room you come to will have Nerer Beneran in
it, get him to attack you, then kill him (If you loot his body you will
find an ebony cuirass). Return to the guild and speak with Percius about
Nerer to recieve your 500 gold reward. Ask about your next orders.

4.10 Suran Bandits

Avon Oran is having problems with bandits in Suran, ask about the
"bandits". Leave the guild and travel to Balmora, then go to Suran via
the Sit Strider. Avon Oran's Manor is in the south of town, next to the
temple. When you enter the courtyard, turn right and go up the stairs
and enter the manor. Speak with Avon about the bandits. He wants you to
kill Daldur Sarys in Saturan to end the raids, then report back to him
to collect a 1000 gold bounty.

Leave the Manor courtyard from the southern exit, followung the river.
When you get to the driftwood on the ground turn and go to the northeast.
There will be two paths branching off to the north, the first goes to
the Inanius Egg Mines, we want to walk north along the second path. Walk
north and the path will bend around a grove of dead trees and steam pits,
and then come to a fork splitting north and west. Saturan is west.

Enter the cavern and follow the cave untill you reach the wooden walkway,
go down the stairs, turn left and walk to the end of the walkway, Daldur
Sarys is upstairs to the left. Get him to attack you, then kill him.
Return to Avon Oran in Suran to claim your bounty, then return to
Percius in Ald-Ruhn and speak with him about the bandits and advancement
to be proclaimed Fighters Guild Defender. Get your next orders.

4.11 Delivering Flin

Percius wants you to deliver 20 bottles of Flin to Dangor in the
Elith-Pal Mine, near the Zainab camp. Leave the guild and take the Silt
Strider to Khuul, then take a boat to Dagon Fel, and another boat to
Tel Mora, and one more boat to Vos. Leave the docks using the path that
goes west, when the path splits go southwest, continue southwest past
the first signpost and you will come to another fork, go south, past
the Yakaridan camp. When the path splits go west untill the path splits
again, this time go south. At the next fork, the south path will go to
the Zainab Camp and the west path will lead to the Red Mountains, go
toward the mountains. When the mountain path splits go south, and the
Elith-Pal Mine will be on your right.

Enter the mine and follow the path straight untill you come to the first
chamber. Climb the stairs, there is a small stone walkway that leads to
the upper level, climb that and continue straight (the stone path is
hard to see, a torch or light spell might help). Dangor is in the very
back of the mine, speak with him about the Flin, and he will take it.

Return to Percius in Ald-Ruhn and speak with him about the mine. Percius
will then offer you some brandy, accecpt it and you will recieve some
brandy and 500 gold. When you ask for your next orders Percius will
tell you that he has no orders for anyone under Guardian and to check
in Sadrith Mora.

4.12 Sadrith Mora Fighters Guild

Take the Silt Strider to Khuul, then a boat to Dagon Fel, then another
boat to Sadrith Mora. The Fighters Guild is in Wolverine Hall, just
south of Sadrith mora. Enter Wolverine Hall through the Imperial Shrine,
walk forward a few steps and go through the door on your left. Go down
the stairs one level and the Fighters Guild is on your left. Speak with
Hrundi the guild steward.

4.13 Dwemer Ruins Of Nchurdamz

Hrundi wants you to help Larienna Macrina clear out the Nehurdamz ruins
of necromancers, he will mark the ruins on your map.

Leave the guild and take a boat to Molag Mar. Leave Molag Mar swimming
northeast, cross the strip of land to the east, when you get to the next
body of water swim along the coast, keeping the land to your left. After
a few twists and turns and a long swim you will eventually come to
Nehurdamz (Use your world map to help guide you, as my directions are
lacking). Note: There is another ruin nearby named Nehardumz, make sure
you go to the right ruin.

Once at the ruin, speak with Larienna Macrina about exploring together
and she will tell you tht she wants your help to kill Hrelvesu, tell her
you are ready and enter the ruin. Walk straight downstairs, then up the
next flight of stairs, turn right and continue up the stairs. Go down
the hall and through the door on your left. Go down the stairs and kill
the Steam Centurion, untrap and open the ornate Dwemer chest in the room
with the lava and take the key inside. (There is also a magic spear
named Iiikurok in this room). Leave this room and go down the hall to
the left. Unlock the door using the key and enter, Hrelvesu is inside.
Kill him and Larienna will thank you and leave. Exit the ruin and return
to Hrundi in the Fighters Guild, speak with him to get your 500 gold.
Get your next orders.

4.14 Dissapla Mine

Hrundi wants you to help Novor Drethan clear the Dissapla Mines, ask
about the mines to find out that the mines are northeast of Falensarano,
ask about Falensarano to have him mark it on your map.

Leave the guild and head to the docks, take a boat to Tel Mora, then a
boat to Tel Aruhn. Jump off the docks and swim west, you will come to an
island with a Daedric Ruin named Yansirramus on it, keep going west
untill you get to the mainland and a cavern called Nammu. Go north a
little ways untill you are back on land, turn west and walk untill you
come to a path in fron to Falensarano. Follow the path north, when the
path splits go north to the mine.

Enter the mine and walk into the first room and speak with Novor about
the mine. Novor wants you to rescue Teres Arothan and kill all the Nix
Hounds. Follow the cave untill you come to a room with a ladder going
up and a hall to your right. Go right and follow the cave, killing all
the nix hounds that you come across. You will come to another ladder,
Teres Arothan is above, talk with her and have her follow you back to
Novor. Speak with Novor about the mines and he will give you four Raw
Glass. Return to the Sadrith Mora Fighters Guild and speak with Hruidi
about the mine and he will give you 250 gold. Ask about advancement to
be named Fighters Guild Warder. Get your next orders.

4.15 Corprus Stalker And Rels Tenim

Hrundi says he will pay you 200 gold to kill a corprus stalker in the
Berwen Trader Shop of Tel Mora, and 200 gold to kill Rels Tenim near
Tel Vos.

Leave the guild and take a boat to Tel Mora. The enterence to the trader
shop is just east of the enterence to the Lower Tower. Enter the shop
and speak with Berwen about the Corprus Stalker, go upstairs and kill
the monster, then return to Berwen and talk about the Stalker again.
Leave the shop and take a boat to Vos.

Leave Vos to the north and go to the coast past the Ahemmusa Camp, cross
the water to the first island, from there travel northwest two more
islands. On the second island go th the north side, there you will find
the enterance to Shallit at the waters edge in a small cove. Enter the
cavern and walk forward untill you come to a room with large rocks
hanging from the celing (remember this room as you will need to come
back to it). Note that there is a high ledge on the south wall, we need
to get up there so we have to find a potion. Follow the cave around,
past the barrel with the note and sword, and go up the flight of stairs.
There is a bed roll and some boxes on the ground, mixed around the boxes
are two potions of rising force, grab them and return to the large room
with the ledge. Use on of the potions to fly up the south wall onto the
ledge, then follow the cave. Rels Tenim is a few rooms back, get him to
attack you, then kill him. Return to Hrundi in the Fighters Guild, speak
with him about the Corprus Stalker and Rels Tenim to get your rewards.
Get your Next orders.

4.16 Sujamma Courier

Hrundi wants you to deliver 20 bottles of Sujamma to Nelacar in the
Dunirai Caverns, southeast of Ghostgte, between the Foyada Esannudan and
Foyda Ashur-Dan.

Leave the guild and take a boat to Ebonheart, then leave the town and
walk to Seyda Neen. Take the Silt Strider to Balmora.Leave Balmora south,
and take the road going east. When you come to the signpost take the
road toward Caldera for a few feet then turn east and go uphill. Cross
the Old Dwemer Bridge, then turn around and go down into the ravine.
Follow the Ravine north past the Deadric Shrine. On your right, before
Ghostgate there will be a path flanked by two large spires, turn east
and when you get to the next two spires head east and continue past the
first northern path. Talke the next path north, and look for a path on
your left that leads to the Denirar Caverns.

Enter the caverns and follow the cavern back and speak with Nelacar
about the sujamma, give him the bottles. Return to Hrundi in the
Fighters Guild and speak with him about the cavern to get your 500 gold.
Get your next orders.

4.17 Escort Sondaale of Shimmerene

Hrundi wants you to help Sondaale of Shimmerene through the Temple of

To get there, take a boat to Tel Bramora, then a boat to Molag Mar.
Leave Molag Mar to the west and follow the path untill you come to

When you get there, Sondaale is nowhere to be seen, but if you look on
the smaller enterance door, you will see a note stating that she went
in ahead of you and to meet her inside. Enter the door with the note
and folow the halls untill you get to the lower level. Go through the
hall to the south, continue straight and enter the door to the lower
level. Enter the first door on your left to find Sondale. Speak with her
and she will ask you to escort her out of the temple. Have her follow
you, and leave the temple.

Return to the Fighters Guild and speak with Hrundi about Sondaale to get
your 500 gold. Ask for your next orders.

4.18 Engaer

Hrundi wants you to kill Engaer, a Bosmer mercenary. Engaer is in the
Tel Naga Tower in Sadrith Mora. Leave the guild and enter the Great Hall
of the Tel Naga Tower at the center of town. Go down the stairs and
steal a couple of Rising Force Potions on one of the desks in this room.
Use one of the potions to levitate to the door to the Upper Tower on the
east wall. Levitate up the shaft to the top level, then go down the west
hallway. There are three doors here, two locked and trapped goldern doors
and a door to Sadrith Mora. Engaer is behind the north door, so untrap
and unlock it, go inside, close the door and get Engaer to attack you
then kill him. (Loot his body to find a complete set of bonemould armor
and a ring enchanted with the third barier spell).

Return to the Fighters Guild and speak with Hrundi to recieve your
1000 gold bounty. Ask about your next orders.

4.19 Pudai Egg Mine And The Golden Eggs

Hrundi wants you to retrieve seven golden eggs from the Pudai Egg Mine.

Leave the guild and take a boat to Dagon Fel. Exit Dagon Fel to the west,
go south when the path splits. At the next split go west (If you pass an
orc named Bulak gra-Murug you are heading in the right direction).
Contunue west past a few forks in the road, the Pudai Egg Mine will be
on your right.

Enter the mine and follow the cave untill you get to the main room, take
the south branch and enter the Queens Lair. Go left and follow the cave
untill you reach the Queen but don't kill her. The golden eggs are
behind the Queen, grab them all (they weigh 30 pounds each) and return
to Hrundi in the Fighters Guild.

Give Hrundi the eggs and he will pay you a whopping 10,000 gold. Ask
about advancement to be named Fighters Guild Guardian. When you try to
get your next orders he will tell you that he doesn't have any for you,
and that you should check in Ald-Ruhn, but since we know Fire-Eye in
Balmora has more orders for us, we will return to the Balmora Fighters

4.20 Orcs At A Daedric Ruin

Speak with Fire-Eye about orders and she will tell you to visit Alof in
his farm northwest of Pelagiad and just north of the Arvel Plantation to
get more info about your mission. Leave the guild and take a Silt Strider
to Seyda Neen, then walk to Pelagiad. Walk east past the Fort untill you
get to the Dren Plantation. Go north untill you get to the Arvel
Plantation, then swim across the lake to Alofs farm. Enter and talk to
Alof about the Orcs. He will tell you that you have to kill the orc
leader Burub gra-Bamog.

Leave the farm and go north along the path untill you come to the
crossroad, then go west. When you get to a clearing near the mountains
with a signpost take the norhteast path toward Molag Mar. The path will
curve around quite a bit and you will pass a clearing in the mountains
with a dead log on the ground, keep ging north. At the next signpost go
east, then southeast at the next crossroad and follow that path past a
steam pit of two. At the next intersection go south, then west, pass the
ruin and continue down the path (Yes i said pass the ruin). At the end
of this path is asecond enterance to the ruin, and Burub gra-Bamog is
inside. Enter and get Burub to attack you, then kill him. Return to
Fire-eye and talk about the orcs to recieve 500 gold. Get your next

4.21 Verethi Gang

Fire-Eye wants you to kill Dovres Verethi, the head of the Verethi Gang.
He is located in Mannammu, southeast of Pelagiad.

Leave the guild and take the Silt Strider to Seyda Neen, then walk to
Pelagiad.Leave Pelagiad and walk south, you will find Mannammu near the
pond across a mud walkway. Enter the cave. Follow the cave all the way
to the back. You will come to a room with a raised platform surrounded
by water, Dovres is on the platform. Get him to attack you, then kill
him. Return to Fire-Eye and speak about the gang to get a 1000 gold
reward. Get your next orders.

4.22 Sarano Tomb

Fire-Eye tells you of a dangerous creture, a hunger, that has made a
home in the Sarano Tomb. She wants you to go and kill the beast and

Leave Balmora south and follow the path as it goes east across the
bridges, untill you come to some signposts. Go southeast toward Pelagiad.
You will walk down into the Foyda you will come to another signpost,
go soutwest, then southeast at the next signpost. When you get back to
the lush area and the next signpost keep going southeast toward Suran.
Shortly after you pass the Fields of Kummu Shrine, you will come to
another crossroad, the tomb is north.

Enter the tomb and go through the first door on your right, it is locked
with a low level lock. Yo down stairs and kill the hunger (Loot the body
to find the Sarano Ebony Helm, a Drough shield is also in this room).
Return to Fire-Eye and talk about the tomb to collect your 1000 gold.
Fire-Eye has no more quests for you.

4.23 Decision

Here is where you have a decision to make about the future of the
Fighters Guild. As it turns out the Fighters Guild is devided and has
two groups trying to take control. The Camanna Tong is influincing one
side, and the old Fighters Guild is the other. So you have two ways of
going. Option 1 is to help Percius end the Camonna Tong influence of the
Fighters Guild, and option 2 is to ally with the Camonna Tong against
the Thieves Guild. At the end of both paths lies your spot as the Head
of the Fighters Guild.

4.24 Option 1 Save the Fighters Guild

Go to Ald-Ruhn and speak with Percius about orders. He will tell you
that the Fighters Guild is being influenced by the Camonna Tong, and
the only way to save it is to kill Sjoring Hard Heart the Guildmaster
and his supporters Fire-Eye and Lorbumol gro-Aglakh. If you do so,
Percius will name you the Fighters Guild Guildmaster.

Go to the Balmora Fighters Guild and get Fire-Eye to attack you, then
kill her (loot her body for a Dwarven Mace).

Next go the Vivec Fighters Guild by taking the Silt Strider to Vivec.
Walk to the Vivec Foreign Quarter Canton, then go to the top of the
canton and enter the Foreign Quarter Plaza. The Guild of Fighters is
in the Northeast corner of the plaze. Enter the guild and go through the
doorway on the left, go down the stairs, turn to the right and follow
the hall. In this room is Lorbumol gro-Aglakh, and behind the door at
the other end of the room is Sjoring Hard Heart. Get them to attack you
then kill them both (If you loot Hard Hearts body, you will find a magic

Return to Percius in Ald-Ruhn and talk to him about each of the people
you just killed, and he will name you the Fighters Guild Guildmaster.

4.25 Option 2 Vivec Fighters Guild

Leave Balmora by taking the Silt Strider to Vivec. Walk to the Vivec
Foreign Quarter Canton, then go to the top of the canton and enter the
Foreign Quarter Plaza. The Guild of Fighters is in the Northeast corner
of the plaze. Enter the guild and go through the doorway on the left, go
down the stairs, turn to the right and follow the hall. Sjoring Hard
Heart is behind the door at the other end of this room. Speak with Hard
Heart about orders.

4.26 Option 2 The Thieves Guild Bosses

Hard Heart tells you that he has allied the Fighters Guild with the
Camonna Tong, and that he wants you to kill the Thieves Guild bosses.
Helende in the Dirty Mureils Cornerclub at Sadrith Mora ..... Dead
Habasi in the Southwall Cornerclub at Balmora ...... Dead
Aengoth in The Rat In THe Pot at Ald-Ruhn...... Dead
Heard Heart gives you 5000 gold to pay off guards as needed.

Take the Silt Strider to Balmora, go down the stairs and turn right,
cross the bridge, then go down the ally to the left of Dura gra-Bols
House. The Southwall Cornerclub is to the right of the stairs. Enter the
club and Sugar Lips Habasi is around the corner. Get him to attack you,
then kill him (loot his body for a bunch of picks and probes, and a
glass dagger).

Take the Silt Strider to Ald-Ruhn. The Rat in the Pot is one door east
of the Fighters Guild, enter the guild and go upstairs to the bar. Near
the wall across the bar is a stairway down, go down and Aengoth the
Jewler is down here, get him to attack you, then kill him.

Take the Silt Strider to Khuul, then take a boat to Dagon Fel, then a
boat to Sadrith Mora. Dirty Mureils Cornerclub is across from the bridge
leading to the Wolverine Hall. Enter the club and go upstairs and find
Big Helende, get her to attack you, then kill her (you can loot her body
for more picks and probes).

Return to Sjoring Hard Heart in Vivec and talk to him about the bosses
and he will make you his second in command Fighters Guild Champion.

Note: Once you are Champion, Lorbumol gro-Aglakh will attack you when
you try to speak with him.

4.27 Option 2 The Theives Guild Master

Now Hard Heart wants you to kill Gentelman Jim the Thieves Guild Master
and his flunky Crazy Legs. Ask about this and he will tell you that they
can be found in Fralinie's Bookstore.

Leave the guild and the Foreign Quarter Plaza and head down to the
Foreign Quarter Lower Waistworks, then use the eastern enterance to the
Foreign Quarter Canalworks. go to the Simine Fralinie Bookseller shop on
the south end. Enter the shop and go the back and pick the 65 level lock
on the door. In this room is Gentelman Jim and Crazy Legs. Get them to
attack you, then kill them both (loot Jim's body for a Daedric
shortsword, a skeleton key, and a set of exquisite clothes).

Return to Hard Heart to tell him of your achievements, he will be happy,
but will then doublecross you and attack you. Kill him to become the
Fighters Guild Guildmaster.

Section 5: Guide To Vvardenfell

Morrowind is the northeastmost province of the Tamrielic Empire, bounded
on the north and east by the Sea of Ghosts, on the west by Skyrim, on the
southwest by Cyrodiil (also known as the Imperial Province), and on the
south by Black Marsh (also known as Argonia). Vvardenfell District
encompasses Vvardefell Island, a great land mass dominated by the giant
volcano Red Mountain and cut off from mainland Morrowind by the
surrounding Inner Sea.

Only recently open to settlement and trade, most of the island's
population is confined to the relatively hospitable west and southwest
coast, centered on the ancient city of Vivec and the old Great House
district centers at Balmora, Ald'ruhn, and Sadrith Mora. The rest of the
island is covered by hostile desert wastes, arid grasslands, and
volcanic badlands, and thinly populated by the nomadic Ashlander tribes.

Vvardenfell has nine basic geographic regions, each with their own
distinctive plants and terrain features. Scholars have based their
classifications on the different types of land described by the native
Ashlanders, so the designations are recognized by most local traders,
travelers, and adventurers. These geographic regions are called: the
Ascadian Isles, the Ashlands, Azura's Coast, the Bitter Coast, the
Grazelands, Molag Amur, Red Mountain, the West Gash, and Sheogorad.

5.1 Ascadian Isles

The Ascadian Isles is a region of lush, green, well-watered southern
lowlands where most of Vvardenfell's agriculture is found. The area
includes Pelagiad, Suran, Vivec City, and Ald Sotha along with the inland
lakes and waterways of the Ascadian Isles proper. The urban areas of
Vivec and Ebonheart of the southern coast are densely populated; the
inland Ascadian Isles are dotted with small farms and large plantations.
The climate is temperate and comfortable, with moderate rainfall.

Ebonheart is the seat of the Imperial government for Vvardenfell district,
and a busy center of maritime trade. Castle Ebonheart is the home of Duke
Vedam Dren, the district's ruler and Emperor's representative. Also
located at Castle Ebonheart are the Vvardenfell District Council chambers
and the Hawk Moth Legion garrison. The officers, docks, and warehouses
of the East Empire Company are also found in Ebonheart.

Vivec City is the largest settlement on Vvardenfell, and one of the largest
cities in the East. Each of the great cantons is the size of a complete
town. The High Fane and the palace of Vivec are visited by hundreds of
tourists and pilgrims daily. Citizens flock to the Arena for
entertainments and war games. Outlanders mostly confine themselves to the
Foreign Canton, while natives live, work, and shop in the Great House
compounds and residential cantons.

Ald Sotha is a splendid Daedric ruin within sight of Vivec City. Though
exotic and picturesque, it is a dangerous site, haunted by old magics,
dark cultists, and their Daedric summonings, and not recommended for

Suran is an agricultural village in the northeastern corner of the fertile
Ascadian Isles region. Two popular pilgrimage sites are nearby -- the
Fields of Kummu and the Shrine of Molag Bal.

Pelagiad is a newly chartered Imperial village between Balmora and Vivec
City on the western edge of the Ascadian Isles region. The village is
right outside the Imperial Legion garrison at Fort Pelagiad. The houses
and shops are built in the Western Imperial style, and Pelagiad looks
more like a village in the western Empire than a Morrowind settlement.

5.2 The Ashlands

The Ashlands are the dry, inhospitable wastelands surrounding the lower
slopes of Red Mountain. The Ashlands extend to the Sea of Ghosts in the
north, and elsewhere form a wide margin between the blighted Red Mountain
region and other geographic regions. The village of Maar Gan is the only
sizable permanent Ashlands settlement; Ald'ruhn, the district seat of
House Redoran, is on the margin of the region. Ashlanders hunt for game
here, and their herds find sparse grazing. It rains rarely, and suffers
frequent ash storms.

Maar Gan is a small isolated village in a remote region north of Ald'ruhn.
The Maar Gan shrine is an important Temple pilgrimage site.

The Ashlander Urshilaku tribe has a permanent settlement at Urshilaku camp
in the Ashlands region north of Maar Gan village.

5.3 Azura's Coast

The rugged coast and islands of northern and eastern Vvardenfell are
called Azura's Coast. The region is rocky, infertile, and largely
uninhabited, except for the outpost at Molag Mar, the Telvanni
settlements at Sadrith Mora, the wizard towers at Tel Aruhn, Tel Mora,
and Tel Branora, and Ahemmusa camp and the remote fishing villages of
Ald Redaynia and Dagon Fel on the north coast. There are no roads; most
travel is by boat. Despite the rocky terrain, a variety of plants thrive
on the regular rainfall.

Sadrith Mora is the district seat of House Telvanni, and home of the
Telvanni Council, though only one Telvanni councilor actually lives in
Sadrith Mora. Sadrith Mora is an island settlement, and accessible only
by sea and teleportation. The town is large, with many services, but it
is open only to Telvanni retainers; outsiders must confine themselves to
the Gateway Inn.

Tel Branora is the tower and seat of the eccentric Telvanni wizard named
Mistress Therana. The tower and its tiny village are located on a rocky
promontory at the southeasternmost tip of Azura's Coast.

Tel Fyr is the Telvanni tower of Sorcerer-Lord Divayth Fyr. Beneath the tower
is the Corprusarium, a refuge-prison where the deranged, distorted
victims of the deadly corprus disease are housed and tended.

Tel Aruhn is the Telvanni tower of Archmagister Gothren, Telvanni
Sorcerer-Lord and head of the Telvanni Council. The associated settlement
is a sizable village, and the site of the Festival Slave Market, the
largest slave market on Vvardenfell.

Tel Mora is the Telvanni tower of Mistress Dratha, an ancient wizard of the
Telvanni Council. The small settlement includes a few craftsfolk and a

Tel Vos is the tower of Telvanni wizard and council member Master Aryon.
Tel Vos is a peculiar blend of Telvanni and Western architectural styles,
and is close to Vos village.

Bal Fell is the "City of Stone," an ancient First Era ruin in the
southeastern islands and promontories of Azura's Coast. The site has a
nasty reputation, and several Telvanni wizards currently have competing
camps of hirelings and adventurers exploring and looting there. Legend
says that Bal Fell was built on the site of an ancient Daedric worship

The Ashlander Ahemmusa tribe has a permanent settlement at Ahemmusa camp on
a rocky promontory at the northeastern tip of the Vvardenfell mainland in
the Azura's Coast region.

5.4 The Bitter Coast

The western coast of Vvardenfell from Seyda Neen north to Gnaar Mok is
called the Bitter Coast. The salt marshes and humid swamps of this region
are uninhabited, with the only settlements found at the good harbors of
Gnaar Mok, Hla Oad, and Seyda Neen. Also called the Smuggler's Coast, the
region's secluded coves and islands provide refuge for criminal trade,
and the frequent rain and fog hides small boats from Excise cutters.

Seyda Neen. The piercing light of the Grand Pharos at the mouth of the harbor
of the port village of Seyda Neen is a beacon to mariners throughout the
Inner Sea. Most visitors from the Empire make landfall at the port of
Seyda Neen, where they are processed by the Imperial Census and Excise
Commission agents of the Coastguard station. The Coastguard cutters
docked here control smuggling and piracy on the Inner Sea.

Hla Oad is a tiny isolated fishing village on western Vvardenfell in the
Bitter Coast region. A rough track along the River Odai connects Hla Oad
with the town of Balmora.

Gnaar Mok is a tiny island fishing village in the Bitter Coast region of
western Vvardenfell.

5.5 The Grazelands

The regular rain and dark soils of the Grazelands produce the rich
grazing for Ashlander herds that give the region its name. The region
lies in the northeast of Vvardenfell, sandwiched between the Ashlands and
Azura's Coast. Permanent settlements include Vos village and the towers
of Tel Vos and Tel Fyr. The Ashlanders of Zainab camp move their herds
across the plains in search of fresh grazing. There are no roads or
tracks, but travel is easy across the open plains.

The Ashlander Zainab tribe has a permanent settlement at Zainab camp, near
the village of Vos in the Grazelands region.

5.6 Molag Amur

Located inland in the southeast of Vvardenfell, Molag Amur is an
uninhabited wasteland of rocky hills, steep-sided ravines, lava pools,
and barren ash pavements. Pathfinding and travel is extremely difficult
in this trackless wilderness, and is complicated by frequent ash storms.
The Ashlanders of Erabenimsun camp hunt game here, but few others venture
into this region. The worst part of Molag Amur, called the Great Scathes,
is considered impassible even by the Ashlanders.

The outpost at Molag Mar is a fortified stronghold on the southeastern edge
of the desolate Molag Amur region. Pilgrims bound for the nearby
pilgrimage sites at Mount Assarnibibi and Mount Kand take refuge at the
outpost's hostels, comforted by the garrison of Redoran and Buoyant
Armiger crusaders stationed at the stronghold.

The Ashlander Erabenimsun tribe has a permanent settlement at Erabenimsun
camp, an isolated hut settlement in the middle of the desolate Molag Amur

5.7 Red Mountain

The dominant feature of Vvardenfell, Red Mountain, is a vast volcano in
the center of Vvardenfell. The outer slopes are steep and rugged, and the
crater is deep and dotted with surface lava. The Ghostfence, a magical
barrier which blocks travel as well as seals in the harmful,
disease-laden weather called 'blight,' rings the volcano's outer slopes,
and is broken only at Ghostgate. Within the Ghostfence, rain never falls
and the sun never shines; the only weather is the red and deadly

Ghostgate is the gate citadel of the Ghostfence Ordinator and Buoyant
Armiger garrisons. Ghostgate sits astride the only gap through which the
monstrous hosts of Dagoth Ur might emerge from Red Mountain to threaten
the rest of Morrowind. The Ghostfence itself is a colossal magical
artifact that completely encircles Red Mountain and prevents the Blight
from spilling its corruption across the rest of Vvardenfell.

5.8 West Gash

The western highlands of Vvardefell are called the West Gash. The region
extends from the Sea of Ghosts on the northwest coast to the inland town
of Balmora, where the region is sandwiched between the Bitter Coast and
the Ashlands. The trading village of Gnisis is north of Ald'ruhn, and the
fishing villages of Ald Veloth and Khuul lie on the north coast. The town
of Caldera lies near Balmora. The herds of the Ashlanders of Urshilaku
camp graze on the sparse but hardy highland vegetation.

Balmora is the district seat of House Hlaalu, and the largest settlement on
Vvardenfell after Vivec City. Good roads lead north to Ald'ruhn and south
to Caldera, Seyda Neen, and Vivec City. The Imperial Legion garrison of
Fort Moonmoth lies south of Balmora.

Caldera is a recently chartered Imperial town and mining corporation. The
Caldera Mining Company has been granted an Imperial monopoly to remove
raw ebony from the rich deposits here. Caldera has the appearance and
flavor of a Western Imperial town.

Ald'ruhn is the district seat of House Redoran, and a large settlement. The
Redoran Council chambers are located inside the shell of an ancient
extinct giant crab. Tracks lead north to Maar Gan and Gnisis villages and
south to Balmora.

Gnisis is a small mining and trade village astride the silt strider caravan
route between the northwest West Gash and Ald'ruhn.

Ald Velothi and Khuul are tiny fishing villages on the northern coast of the
West Gash.

5.9 Sheogorad

The large island of Sheogorad lies north of Vvardenfell. This island and
its associated lesser islands are a maritime wilderness extending north
from Vvardenfell into the Sea of Ghosts. The region is largely hostile
and uninhabited, with two small villages at Ald Redaynia and Dagon Fel.
Only Dagon Fel is reached by ship services; all other island-to-island
transport must be provided by the traveler.

Section 6: Seyda Neen Quests and Notes

The piercing light of the Grand Pharos at the mouth of the harbor of the port
village of Seyda Neen is a beacon to mariners throughout the Inner Sea. Most
visitors from the Empire make landfall at the port of Seyda Neen, where they
are processed by the Imperial Census and Excise Commission agents of the
Coastguard station. The Coastguard cutters docked here control smuggling and
piracy on the Inner Sea.

6.1 Fargoth's Ring Quest

Fargoth wants you to find his magic ring, it is a Engraved ring of
healing which restores 1-5 pts. of health on self.

The ring is located in a barrel in the courtyard of the Census and
Excise Office (before you enter the building with Sellus Gravius).

*If you return it your Rep with both Fargoth and Arrill in the
tradehouse will go up.

*You can also decide not to return the ring, (but it if you do return
it, you have another chance of getting it back when you find Fargoth's
Hiding place).

6.2 Fargoth's Hiding Place

Hrisskar Flat-Foot has A quest for you. He is located at the top of
the stairs in Arrille's' Tradehouse. He wants you to find Fargoth's
Hiding place, and he will split any money you find.

To find the hiding place go to the top of the Lighthouse, look toward
the middle of town and wait until 11pm, Fargoth will move from the
town center toward the lighthouse then double back to a stump in the
middle of a pond north of the lighthouse. After he leaves go to the
stump and look inside. You will find Fargoth's Ring (If you gave it
back to him), a journeyman's lockpick, and 300 gold.

*If you return to Hrisskar Flat-Foot and give him the gold, he will
give you back 100 gold and anything else you found in the stump as
your cut, He will also tell you where you can find Fargoth's ring.

*Or you can not talk to Hrisskar again, leave that quest unfinished
and keep the 300 Gold (my favored Option).

6.3 The Dead Taxman

You will hear rumors of a dead taxman. To find the body, follow the
road out of Seyda Neen to the north, then follow the signs toward
Gnaar Mok and Hla Oad. The path will bend toward the west, you will
see a tree directly in front of you, go off the path past the tree
until you come to the pond. When you get to the pond turn south and
walk. There two piles of rocks with a space between them going
southwest. Go between the rocks and you will see the corps on the
left. Loot the body to get 200 gold, and the tax record.

Return to Sedya Neen and go to the Census and Excise Office and talk
to Socucius Ergalla (the guy who gave you your class and birthsign)
about the murder of Processus Vitellius. he will ask you if you found
the money.

*If you say you found the money you will lose 200 gold and he will send
you to find the murderer with a reward of 500 gold.

*If you tell him that you found nothing (and keep the gold) he will not
offer the reward (but if you find the murderer, he will still pay the
reward. Possible game bug).

The murderer is Foryn Gilnith in one of the shacks west of Arrille's
Tradehouse. He will freely admit that he Killed Processus Vitellius.

*If you tell him that you believe him and don't punish him he will
give you Processus' Ring

*If you tell him that he needs to be punished, he will attack you. Kill
him (since he attacked you, you will not receive a bounty on your head)
and loot the body. You will find Processus' Ring.

Return to Socueius Ergalla an he will reward you 500 gold (regardless
of weather you gave him the original 200 in gold)

Now you can do one of three things with Processus' Ring:
*You can sell it (it has a value of 240 gold)
*You can keep it to enchant later (It is an Exquisite ring)
*You can return it to Thavere Vedrano in the lighthouse. She will give
you 2 standard restore health potions (which restore 10 pts of health
for 5 sec.)

6.4 Cursed Ring Of Vodunius Nuccius

Speak with Vodunis Nuccius (he is walking around in front of the Cencus
and Excise Office) about a "Little Advice". He will tell you to Check out
the Silt Strider, and to tell Darvame Heleran the Silt Strider operator
that Vodunius sent you.

Go to the Silt Strider just outside of town and speak with Darvame,
select "Vodunius Nuccius" from the dialog options, and Darvame will tell
you that he often steers business his way, but he seems unhappy here.

Return to Vodunius and ask about "Vodunis Nuccius" to lear that he is
indeed unhappy here, but has no money to leave, all he has ia a cursed
ring. He will then offer to sell you his ring for 100 gold. You may buy
the ring if you want.

The Ring will fortify your speed 5 points for 60 seconds, but will also
damage your health 10 points.

6.5 Seyda Neen Travel

Speak with Darvame Heleran at the Silt Strider to travel to the following

Balmora 11 gold
Vivec 8 gold
Suran 14 gold
Gnisis 39 gold

6.6 Seyda Neen Trainers

Raflod the Braggart
Faction: Thieves Guild
Upstairs in Arrille's Tradehouse

Skill - to Level
Med. Armor - 54
Long Blade - 49
Block - 44

Faction: Blades
Upstairs in Arrillo's Tradehouse

Skill - to Level
Athletics - 52
Med. Armor - 52
Long Blade - 62
(Must be a member of the Blades for her to train you)

Adraria Vandacia
Faction: Census & Excise
Upstairs in Census & Excise Wherehouse

Skill - to Level
Speechcraft - 55
Light Armor - 50
Sneak - 45

Socucius Ergalla
Faction: Census & Excise
Census & Excise Office

Skill - to Level
Sneak - 54
Acrobatics - 54
Light Armor - 54

6.7 Seyda Neen Merchants

Faction: None
Downstairs in Arrillo's Tradehouse
Barter gold - 800
Buys: Everything

6.8 Seyda Neen Notes

** Evidence chest in Census & Excise Office, in the same room as Socucius

** 25 gold and silverware cup in the top of a tree stump next to the
lighthouse walkway

** There is a copy of "The Wraith's Wedding Day" (a book that will raise
your Unarmored skill level by 1) located upstairs in the lighthouse.

** There is an Imperial Newcastle Cuiras under the bed in the room upstairs
of Arilles Tradehouse.

** There is 100 gold on a table upstairs in the Census & Excise Wherehouse.

** 31 gold in a small locked chest in the first Census & Excise bldg.

** 31 gold in a small locked chest on Socucius Ergallas desk

** Big stash of weapons and armor in the locked room under Arrille's

** The Locked chest in Draren Thiralas house has a Journeyman's lockpick and
probe in it.

** Copy of the book "Notes on Racial Phylogeny" (Restoration skill +1) on bed
in Eldafires House.

** Silver Longsword in a locked chest in Eldafires House.

** There is an enchanted iron axe in a watered tree stump near the
lighthouse... You have to jump on it to access it! (nice weapon for
beginner warrior!) -Jumping Jack

** There is 100 gold in a cloth sack in a tree stump on the coast just before
the wrecked ship! -Jumping Jack

** In ariells room (spelling?) under the pillow there is an echanted dagger
as well. -Mark

Section 7: Pelagiad Quests and Notes

Pelagiad is a newly chartered Imperial village between Balmora and Vivec
City on the western edge of the Ascadian Isles region. The village is right
outside the Imperial Legion garrison at Fort Pelagiad. The houses and shops
are built in the Western Imperial style, and Pelagiad looks more like a
village in the western Empire than a Morrowind settlement.

7.1 Pelagiad Quests

Will be updated soon...

7.2 Pelagiad Trainers

Faction: Thieves Guild
Halfway Tavern Downstairs

Skill - to Level
Hand to Hand- 48
Sneak - 48
Acrobatics - 58

Ladia Flarugrius
Faction: Thieves Guild
Halfway Tavern Upstairs

Skill - to Level
Athletics - 36
Speechcraft - 54
Merchantile - 54

Faction: Imperial Legion
Fort Pelagiad Upstairs

Skill - to Level
Axe - 44
Longblade - 44
Blunt Weapon- 44

7.3 Pelagiad Merchants

Drelassa Ramothran
Faction: None
Downstairs Halfway Tavern
Barter gold: 400
Buys: Ingredients
Notes: She also rent's rooms

Ladia Flarugrius
Faction: Thieves Guild
Halfway Tavern Upstairs
Barter gold: 250
Buys: Books

Mebestian Ence
Faction: None
Mebestian Ence: Trader shop
Barter gold: 449
Buys: Weapons, Armor, Books, Clothing, Ingredients, Lights, Repair Items
Misc., Magic Items, Potions

Faction: None
UUlernil: Armorer shop
Barter gold: 700
Buys: Weapons, Armor, Repair Items
Notes: Offers repair services

Shadbak Gra-Burbug
Faction: Imperial Legion
Fort Pelagiad
Barter gold: 900
Buys: Weapons, Armor, Repair Items
Notes: Offers repair services

Faction: Imperial Cult
Fort Pelagiad
Barter gold: 175
Buys: Ingredients, Potions, Spells
Notes: Will let you join the Imperial Cult for 50 gold

7.4 Pelagiad Notes

** Evidence Chest is in the Jail area of Fort Pelagiad in the south wall

** Journeyman's probe and lockpick in a locked chest (30 lvl.) under the trap
door in Junal-Lei's house.

** Journeyman's probe and lockpick in locked chest (60 lvl.) in Farusea
Sala's house.

** Random Loot in a box in front of the Halfway Tavern

** Ahnassi in the Halfway Tavern talks about "smooth moves" then
"Theives Guild", then she will give you a copy of Honor Among Thieves
($100 value)

** Iron Tanto behind the bed in the northernmost locked room upstairs in the
Halfway Tavern.

** Quality restore health on lower right wine rack in the basement of the
Halfway Tavern.

** Random Loot in the basket next to the wine rack in the basement of the
Halfway Tavern.

** Black Arrow Vol. 1 (+1 Acrobatics) is on the table in Madres Navur's House

** Random Loot in boxes under the trap door in Madres Navur's House.

** Repair Tongs on box under the trap door in Madres Navur's House.

** The books Poison Song V and Poison Song VI are in the basement of
Adanja's House.

** A copy of Pilgrims Path (which will add Gnisis, Vivec, Ghostgate, Koal
Cave Entrance, and Fields of Kummu to your map) is located upstairs in
Mebestien Ence: Trader shop.

** A Dwemer Coherer is in a small locked chest (50 lvl.) upstairs in
Mebestian Ence: Trader Shop.

** Random loot is in a box behind Vulernil: Armorer shop.

** Random loot is upstairs in the Vulernil: Armorer Shop in a locked
chest at the foot of the bed.

** 50 gold in a locked chest on the desk of Vulernil: Armorer.

** There is a Pelagiad Gusrd Tower Key on the table behind some bottles in
the downstairs of the Pelagiad Guard Tower.

** There are many weapons and Armor laving about and in boxes (waiting to be
stolen) in the Pelagiad Guard Tower.

** Random loot located in a box to the right of the Fort Pelagiad main

** 30 gold in an offering plate on the ground in front of the Imperial Cult
Altair in Fort Pelagiad.

** Two Steel Bows and some Steel Arrows are in the West side of the South
Wall section of Fort Pelagiad.

** Hrodis in one of the rooms upstsirs in the halfway Taven has the
Sanguine belt of Fleetness, which has a constant effect of Fortify
athletics by 5 points.

** Imperial Steel Curiass and Pauldrins on a bed downstairs of south wall
section of Frot Pelagiad.

** Imperial Steel Helm on table downstairs in Guard Tower.

Section 8 Hla Oad Quests And Notes

Hla Oad is a tiny isolated fishing village on western Vvardenfell in the
Bitter Coast region. A rough track along the River Odai connects Hla Oad
with the town of Balmora.

8.1 Slave Delivery

Speak with Relam Arinith under Fat Leg's Dropoff about "doing some
business". He wants you to deliver a slave to someone named Vorar Helas
in Balmora. Tell him that you will deliver the slave, then have Rabbina
follow you. Leave Fat Leg's Dropoff and head to Balmora. Vorar Helas is
in a house just south of Caius' house on the far east side of Balmora.
Pick the lock to the house. As soon as you enter Vorar will start to
attack Rabbina. You have a choice to make. Either help Vorar or Rabina,
no matter which option you choose the quest can be completed.

If you choose to help Vorar then you should help to kill Rabbina. Once
you do this Vorar will thank you, then tell you that Rabbina was full of
Moon Sugar and he needed to kill her to get it out. Ask him about Rabbina
to get your reward, a Medusa's Gaze Ring, and 400 gold.

If you choose to help Rabbina, you should help kill Vorar. Once you do
this speak to Rabbina about her "hope to escape". She will then ask you
to escort her to Im-Kilaya at the ArgonianMission in Ebonheart. Take the
Silt Strider to Vivec, then walk southeast to Ebonheart. Once there go to
the southernmost building on the central island of Ebonheart, this is the
Argonian Mission. Enter and Rabbina will thank you. Speak with Im-Kilaya
about Rabbina to get you 400 gold reward.

8.2 Hla Oad Travel

Speak with Baleni Salavel at the docks to travel to the following places.

Ebonheart 19 gold
Gnaar Mok 13 gold
Vivec, Foreign Quarter 19 gold
Molag Mar 34 gold

8.3 Hla Oad Trainers

Llemisa Marys
Faction: Camonna Tong
Under Fat Leg's Dropoff

Skill - to Level
Security - 47
Light Armor - 52
Short Blade - 57

Pallia Geno
Faction: Imperial Cult
Hla Oad Outside

Skill - to Level
Sneak - 47
Speechcraft - 57
Light Armor - 52

8.4 Hla Oad Merchants

Perien Aurelie
Faction: None
Under Fat Leg's Dropoff Southwest corner
Barter gold: 150
Buys: Everything

Perien Aurelie
Faction: Camonna Tong
Under Fat Leg's Dropoff Southwest corner
Barter gold: 550
Buys: Weapons, Armor
Notes: Has Repair service

Llemisa Marys
Faction: Camonna Tong
Under Fat Leg's Dropoff
Barter gold: 150
Buys: Picks, Probes
Notes: Sells Picks and Probes

Faction: None
Fat Leg's Dropoff
Barter gold: 250
Buys: Weapons, Armor, Books, Clothing, Ingredients, Lights, Repair Items,
Misc., Magic Items and Potions

8.5 Hla Oad Notes

** Book Charwich-Koniinge, Vol. 2 (+1 Hand to Hand) on table in Murudius
Flacus's House.

** Book Dance In The Fire Chapter 1 (+1 Acrobatics) on table in Fadila
Balvel's house.

** Book Lives of the Saints in Okur's house

** Ask Pallia Geno about joining the Imperial Cult to recieve a copy of the
book For My Gods And Emperor.

Section 9 Gnaar Mok Quests And Notes

Gnaar Mok is a tiny island fishing village in the Bitter Coast region of
western Vvardenfell.

9.1 Breeding Netch

The local rumors are that there are a pair of breeding Netches that come from
the north. People in town want them gone. (Thanks to Karen I have found out
that these are part of a Imperial Legion Quest.) The netches can be
found just as you enter Gnaar Mok via land, just after the 'bridge' and when
you kill one, a message will come up saying basically that you've killed a
breeding netch. Same thing happens with the second one. If you're not in
the Imperial Legion, I don't think the locals give any kind of reward.

9.2 Gnaar Mok Travel

Speak with Valveli Ares at the docks to travel to the following places.

Khuul 25 gold
Hla Oad 13 gold

9.3 Gnaar Mok Trainers

Anas Ulven
Faction: Camonna Tong
Nadene Rotheran's Shack
Skill - to Level
Security - 47
Light Armor - 52
Short Blade - 57

Sodrara Andalas
Faction: Camonna Tong
Nadene Rotheran's Shack
Skill - to Level
Athletics - 43
Speechcraft - 47
Mercantile - 47

Faction: Thieves Guild
Druegh-Jigger's Rest
Skill - to Level
Athletics - 49
Med. Armor - 49
Long Blade - 59

Faction: Thieves Guild
Druegh-Jigger's Rest
Skill - to Level
Short Blade - 59
Blunt Weapon- 66
Sneak - 100

Dridas Salvani
Faction: Hlaalu
Arenim Manor
Skill - to Level
Block - 52
Athletics - 56
Long Blade - 56

Almse Arenim
Faction: Hlaalu
Arenim Manor Basement
Skill - to Level
Sneak - 54
Light Armor - 60
Short Blade - 64

9.4 Gnaar Mok Merchants

Anas Ulven
Faction: Camonna Tong
Nadene Rotheran's Shack
Barter gold: 100
Buys: Picks, Probes
Notes: Sells Picks and Probes

Sodrara Andalas
Faction: Camonna Tong
Nadene Rotheran's Shack
Barter gold: 199
Buys: Books

Selvura Andrano
Faction: Camonna Tong
Nadene Rotheran's Shack
Barter gold: 150
Buys: Weapons, Armor, Clothing, Ingredients, Lights, Repair Items, Picks,
Probes, Repair Items, Misc., Magic Items and Potions

Faction: Thieves Guild
Druegh-Jigger's Rest
Barter gold: 150
Buys: Weapons, Armor, Clothing, Ingredients, Lights, Repair Items, Picks,
Probes, Repair Items, Misc., Magic Items and Potions

9.5 Gnaar Mok Notes

** In the bow of the boat at the docks, in a locked chest (10 lvl.) is a
Journeymans Pick and Probe.

** In the bow of the boat at the docks, are seven bolts of cloth, they weigh
25lbs. each and are worth 50 gold.

** Book 2920, First Seed (+1 Spear) is on the table in Mush-Mere's Shack.

** Exqusite shoes, robe, ring and amulet in the closet of the Arenim Manor

** Book Rear Guard (+1 Light Armor) on a box in Anglalos's Shack.

** Random loot in a barrel by the table in Rostlogi's Shack.

Section 10: General Tips

- The Taunt-Bribe Trick
To kill someone without recieving a bounty on your head, you must get them
to attack you first. The easiest way to do this is to use Persuasion-Taunt.
If your rep with the NPC gets to zero before they attack you, you can
bribe them, then taunt again. Eventually they will attack you, and once
you kill them, check their bodies to retrieve the money that you bribed
them with. (A note from reader Blue99BMW let me know that taunting when
the disposition is 0 still works.)

- Acrobatics Skill Raising
The fastest way to raise this skill is to "bunny-hop" everywhere you go.
This has the added benifit of being a fairly speedy way to travel. Just
keep an eye on your fatigue level if you know a fight is coming up.

- Athletics Skill Raising
a quick way to raise this skill is to swim a lot.

- Sneak skill Raising
Find a NPC that does not walk around or have anyone else around. A good
example would be one of the NPCs in the shacks at Seyda Neen. Walk up to
them and they will address you, now back away and quickly run behind them.
Hit the sneak key (you will know when you are sneaking because there will
be a small icon on the lower left of your screen) and hold it. You can put
something on your keyboard if you want, then leave and return later.

- Having the Mark and Recall spell makes doing guild quests much faster. Cast
Mark near the person giving you the quest, that way when you complete the
mission you can cast Recall to get back instead of walking all that way.

Section 11: FAQ

11.1 How Do I sell High Priced Items?

Q- I've read a lot about selling things to a fellow named Creeper. Somebody
mentioned that Ordinator's Maces go for about 12k, but I have yet to find
anybody with more money than Creeper. I am baffled. I have located
Creeper, but he has only 5000 gold. I attempted to sell a Fiend Katana
to him, but he said it was too expensive. When I bought a few things from
him, he still only had 5000 gold. I am ever so baffled! How do I sell
expensive things to him without having to sell them for 4000 less than
they are worth?
A- Try some creative selling, Sell him an expensive item and buy some things
from him so that you get some items and his 5000 gold. Wait untill the
next day, and sell the items you bought back to him for another 5000
gold. wait another day and repeat the process. And for those that don't
know, Creeper is a merchant that buys items for full price despite your
Merchant skill.

11.2 How Do I Use Vampire Dust To Make A Vampire Potion?

Q- What do I do with the vampire dust to become a vampire?
A- As far as anyone can tell, vampire dust does not make you a vampire. At
least not yet, there might be a further official addon that adds another
item that has the vampire effect.

11.3 Can I Join More Than One Guild?

Q- Can I join more then one Guild?
A- Yes, you can, but some guilds have quests that conflict with eachother.

11.4 Why Do The Ordinators Attack Me?

Q- I have no bounty on my head, but every ordinator I see attacks me, why?
A- If you have ever equopped a piece of Ordinator armor, the Ordinators feel
like you have disgraced them, and will from then on attack you on sight.
Even if you remove the armor and get rid of it, they will still attack
you. The only way to get them to stop is to use a console cheat command.
These commands are found in the Reader Submitted Tips Section.

11.5 Where Is Creeper, And What Is So Special About Him?

Q- Where can I find Creeper the scamp? And why does everyone tell me to sell
my stuff to him?
A- Creeper is Located in Caldera, Ghorak Manor, 2nd floor. The thing that
makes him special is the fact that he will buy all of your items at full
value, although you will still need to do some creative selling.

11.6 I Messed Up The Bonebitter Bow Quest, What Do I Do?

Q- I went into the tomb like I was supposed to, but I didn't search the
remains of the Ancestor Ghost, then I left the tomb. When I came back, the
remains are gone, how do I get the bow?
A- I don't know if the bow is gone for good, but if you have the PC version
of the game, you can enter the console by typing the ~ key, then typing
the following:

player-}additem bonebiter_bow_unique 1

11.7 Where Are The Propolyon Index Stones?

Q- What are the locations of the Propolyon Index Stones?
A- Hlormaren, Dome
Gnisis, Arvs-Drelen
Maar Gan, Shrine
Maelkashishi, Shrine, Forgotten Galleries
Caldera, Irgola, Pawnbroker
Tower of Tel Fyr, Hall of Fyr
Vivec, St. Olms Temple
Rols Ienith, In the Rotheran, Communal Hut
Telasero, Lower Level
Urshilaku Camp, Wise Womans Yurt

Section 12: Reader Submitted Notes and Hints

These are posted as sent to me, I have not verified these.

12.1 WarEagle's Easy Golden Saint Soultrap

While playing Morrowind I spoke SoulTrap on nearly everthing because I
wanted to see what happens. By doing this I found a way how you can trap
Golden Saints Soul very easy. The only thing you need is a Scroll of Summon
Golden Saint. Please don't ask where I had it from, but I found two of them
in my backpack. Summon the scroll and then cast SoulTrap on the Golden Saint.
Although it's an summoned beeing, you trap it's soul when it dies. This also
works with the other summon-spells I've tried. By dooing this, you can easily
get many souls for enchanting.


12.2 Ye Olde Breadbutt's Easy Athletics

This is halfway between a cheat and just really cheap play, but it

Swimming is supposed to be the fastest way to raise athletics, right?
so go to Balmora hop in the river and swim in deep enough water that you're
definatly swiming and not just walking. Swim directly into one of the bridge
columns so that you're at a right angle to the columns flat side and still
swimming but not going anywhere. if you aim yourself properly, you should
just be able to hold down the forward key/button and swim indefinatly. I
play Morrowind on the Xbox, so I used a rubber band to hold the analog stick
forward, but I'm sure you can use something weighted to hold down the
appropriate PC key. anyway, get this set up and SAVE your game. then you can
go make a sandwich, watch a movie or whatever while your charecter builds up
that athletic skill. I actually watched a movie and went to bed. when I got
up the next morning, my athletic skill had raised from 28 to 46. Not the
most amazing change, but I didn't have to wait for it to happen. Also and
obviously, it's important to save before doing this, your char. could slip
off of the column and run out into a monster or off of a clif or you slip
and dive and stay down and drown, computer/Xbox crashes...

anyway, VERY cheap play but it works.

-Ye Olde Breadbutt

12.3 Master Alchemy Equipment

There are master-level of all the alchemical tools in the caldera mage's
guild. They are up a twisting staircase through a wood door. there is no
one there to see you take the stuff.


12.4 Pelagiad Armor Ready To Be Stolen

In pelagiad fort, there is a table with plate mail armor and chain mail on
it, right behind the orc smith and near a patrolling guard. when the smith
turns away and the guard is walking the other way, you can quietly take all
the stuff except the imperial broadsword (i dont know why, but they'll
always see you take it). but don't sell it to the orc, she'll reconize it
and call the guard.


My Note: You can steal any shopkeepers inventory, but if the merchant was
set to have unlimited inventory of an item, and you steal it, it will no
longer be unlimited.

12.5 The Sword of White Woe

...In Balmora, i found this super sword. I found the same sword in Suran,
but the one in Balmora is really easy to get. In the East Guard tower (i
think it's east....but it's the only building named a guard tower in Balmora)
on the top floor is a guard who won't move. There is a bed, closet and on
top of the closet is this sword called the White Woe sword. I mean it may
not seem all that impressive, but seeing as I got it pretty soon in the game
(and i'm not that far in the game either due to just working on guild quests
more), it's a kick ass sword to me. The way to get it is right before you go
up the last set of steps, go into first person view, then become invisible
(whether you have the spell or potion), and work quickly. Go right behind
the guard use the crosshairs to target the sword. Grab it and run down the
steps and the guard won't even know the sword is gone.


12.6 Good Loot

Not sure if you are including notable items or not, but after you kill Dagoth
Gares (section 3.7 in your faq), look behind (not in) one of the trough-like
things in his room. You will find a most excellent set of bracers. One
boosts strength by 20 (continual!), the other agility. Plus they have an
armor factor of over 100.

-Scott Kelley

12.7 The Thieves, The Fighters, And The Codebook

This is a bit lengthy, and if the Fighter's Guild isn't your thing,
then it shouldn't be a problem. Also, there is a bit of a Thieves' Guild
spoiler in this tip as well, but here goes. When I did this quest, I ended
up joining the Thieves' Guild and not getting the code book at all. I soon
found out that my abilities for my character were actually better suited for
a thief then a fighter, so I progressed through all of the Thieves' Guild
*Spoiler* After a few days of playing, I arrived at the last leg of the
Thieves' Guild quests, with Gentleman Jim Stacey in Vivec. He starts asking
you to bribe the heads of the Fighter's Guild so they can protect the
Thieves' Guild. One of the people you bribe is Fire-Eye, the head of the
Balmora Fighter's Guild. After you bribe her with a certain sacred relic,
she pledges to aid the Thieves' Guild -- thus she doesn't request you
to do any jobs against the Thieves' Guild, and omits the quest for the code
book. Then you can ask her for the next job, because she called the one for
the code-book a sucess even though you didn't finish it! This is a great
solution to the quest if the Fighter's Guild isn't really your "thing"
and you want to get stronger before you do the higher Fighter's Guild
quests, because the Thieves' Guild quests are not real combat related.


12.8 More Good Loot

Another random thing, If you want to find some of the craziest armor in
the game go to Tel Fyr in the upper study and look for a level 100
locked cabinet that is also trapped. Open it and find some Insane light
armor that gives 60% resit magika as a constant effect. Just in
reference at that point glass armor had 93 armor rating and this armor
had 147... It's that good...


12.9 The Talking Mudcrab

There's a talking Muscrab with 10K on an island just southeast of Mzahnch
northeast of Vivec, east of Ald Sotha, north of Bal Fel southeast of Suran.

My Note: I have heard that this crab will buy anything, and you can barter
with it to raise your merchant skill.

-Robin Sequira

12.10 Vampire Info

There are three clans. Berne, Aunde, and Quarra. to become a vampire,
fight one, dont kill it, and become diseased. Rest three days and you will
belong to the clan of whatever vampire bit you. 20 point boossts to strength,
speed and willpower and 30 point boosts to sneak, athletetics, acrobatics,
hand to hand, unarmored, mysticism, illususion, and destruction. Each clan
also gives a 20 point boost to skills according to the clan. Very awesome.
You can do quests for the clans you joined, the mages guld and house
telvanni only, anyone else will attack you. Oh all three clans are enemies
to the others.

To cure Vampirism in those three days before you become a vampire you can
use a common cure to cure it and still be able to become one again. But
after the final cure you cant become a vampire again.go to Bal Ur. It's
located north of the mountains of Suran. Talk to the man in the shrine then
to the statue. Bal gives you a quest. Complete the quest and the vampirism
will be gone for good.

My note: I have read that if you are in the sunlight you take a low level
of constant damage. Not verified.

-Josh Aldrich

12.11 Ordinator Armor

Don't wear ordinator armor in front of ordinators. They will attack you
from that point on even if you take it off.

-Josh Aldrich

12.12 Azuras Servant Shield

In Tel Vos in the northeastern tower behind a hidden door there is a
trap door go down use invisibility or kill the dremora and take the Azuras
Servant Shield. Its Daedric and enchanted.

-Josh Aldrich

12.13 Yagrums Book Of Great Arifacts Locations

Bloodworm helm: Owner Crazy Batou found in Maren Ancestral Tomb west
of Erabenimsun Ashlander Camp.

Bow of Shadows: In the Venim Ancestral Tomb north of Zianab Ashlander

Cuirass of Saviors Hide: In a locked closet in the Hall of Fyr in Tel
Fyr Tower.

Daedric Scourge: In a chest in the Hall of Fyr.

Denstagmer's Ring: In a trapped cremation urn marked D. Bryant in
lowest chamber of the Falas Ancestral Tomb east of Gnisis.

Eleidon's Ward: Mounted on a wall in Ibar-Dad west of the Urshilaku
Ashlander Camp.

Fang of Haynekhtnamet: Found in the Shrine of Pitted Dreams in the
Sixth House base in Mamaea north of the stronghold Berandas.

Fists of Randagulf: Both are in souls rattle the innermost recess of
the Sixth House base Ilunibi.

Masque of Clavicus Vile: In possession of Sorkvild the Raven who is in
a tower east of Dagon Fel. You can pick-pocket it.

The Mentor's Ring: In Samarys Ancestral Tomb southeast of Hla Oad in
an urn marked Lord Brinne.

The Ring of Phynaster: In the Senim Ancestral Tomb southeast of Dagon

Staff of Hasedoki: In possession of Koffutto Gilgar in Gimothran
Ancestral Tomb in mountains south of the stronghold Falensarano.

Vampiric Ring: On the skeletal wizard who rules the Velothi dome in Ald
Redaynia in western Sheogorad.

-Josh Aldrich

12.14 Daedric Quests

There are seven of them at certain shrines:azuras, boethiah(under water
west of hla oad), malacath, mehrunes dagon, mephala(sensitive matters
in the morag tong), molag bal,sheogorath(under st delyn in vivec).
allgive you good items. i know that azura gives you a soul gem that is both
huge and reusable. boetiah gives you a golden sword, mephala the ring
of kajitt, and sheogorath gives you the spear of bitter mercy.

-Josh Aldrich

12.15 Xbox Weapon Skill Cheat

I don't know if you know about this trick but i thought i'd send it to
you. It's for the XBox version of Morrowind.

First, You need to bind a weapon, nothing else will work but a weapon.
I used Bound Longsword. Equip the weapon, Hold X+L trigger+R Trigger for a
while. The L and R Trigger buttons have to be pressed at the same time. If
Done correctly You should here the sound of your weapon switch but it won't.
The skill for the type of weapon, (i.e. Long Blade, Axe) will increase
rapidly. I'm am a lvl 6 imperial with a lvl 197 Long Blade Skill. I Never
paid a single gold piece in training. This trick is AWESOME!


12.16 Daedric Cressent

There is a hidden boss like person, Dregas Volar, who, if you beat
him, gets you his weapon the daedric crescent. Go to Tel Fyr. Levitate up
to Fyr's chamber get the key on his table (he wont fight you). Don't kill
the corprus people. Go down into the corprusarium and turn left at the
first intersection you will see a lockk 100 chest. Open it to get the
678 key. Head back the way you came and keep straight. You will come to a
pool on the right, dive in to open the 2nd chest. Get the 738 key,
backtrack and go through the gate on your left. In the shallow pool is the
third chest and the 802 key. Head back to the first chest but turn left.
The left corner is where the 4th chest is. Go back to the onyx hall and
at the golden door turn right. behind the pillar is the 1008 key.now go
to the bowels of the corium through the door straight infront. Keep
going to the 1092 key. Go back up to Fyrs chamber and open the small chest
on the bookshelf to get 50 dwemer coins, 1155 key and that amulet.
To fight Volar equip the amulet and choose yes. He can paralyze you,
blind you and over encumber you, or just stand there and take a

-Josh Aldrich

12.17 Good Souls
Only ascended sleepers and golden saints can give you constant effect
when enchanting items.

-Josh Aldrich

12.18 Easy Way Over Lava

Try making stepping stones over lava with books.

-Josh Aldrich

12.19 Daedric Dai Katana

In an egg mine north of molag mar( go towards mt. ass.)is a daedric dai
katana worth 120000 gold. Its on the dead hero over some rocks to the

-Josh Aldrich

12.20 Ebony Armor Set Location

The daedric ruins which I BELIEVE are southwest of Khuul have an area called
the "Sunken Vaults", in which a guy whose name and existence are completely
meaningless lives. He happens to have all of the ebony armor pieces except
the helmet, and although he can summon daedroths and has a daedric war axe,
if you can buy around 10-15 jugs of sujamma and get three hits off, then
he'll die, and you'll get a full suit of ebony armor and the axe.

-Demens Ignis

12.21 The Wonders Of Sujamma

Sujamma can be consumed in huge quantities with negligible side effects
(only temporary loss of int., sometimes minor draining effects), allowing
ANY character to kill just about anything at any level (think of the effects
of around 300-700 strength with nearly ANY weapon)

-Demens Ignis

12.22 Stat Training Quirks

If you wear the boots of blinding speed and have a major or minor skill
based on speed, then you can increase it to the maximum level with a master
trainer, and then, since the masters don't have a limit to how high a level
they can train you (or something like that), and since your speed attribute
will not prevent it from being trained further, you can constantly train it
ten points with the master. The result? The skill will always stay at 100,
but since your speed is more than 100, you can gain levels infinitely this
way WITHOUT going to jail. This works with any item which enhances stats
permanently (or with a temporary stat-enhancer, if you talk to them during
the effect's duration, but you'll need to reapply the effect before every

There you go!!!


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