i love this

Thursday, July 20, 2006

hey u guys this will be a short post i am just going to tell all of u that do not know which is impossable that you do not know that i will be in arkansas for a week. it will be fun but interesting for me fun in the since that i will be on vacation and interesting in the since that i will be in the car with my family for 9 hours that will be the fun part of the trip i can tell. (JK) well i have to go finish packing i will miss ya'll. BYE BYE T.T.F.N see ya'll in a week


Blogger Seanzy said...

T.T.F.N.? Apparently I'm not down with all the new lingo you kids have these days. Anyways, even though you won't see this until you get back, have fun in Arkansas.

10:51 AM  
Blogger faith said...


Ta Ta For Now!

Now you know.

12:51 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...


5:55 AM  
Blogger Jonathan said...


2:42 PM  

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