i love this

Friday, June 23, 2006

hey well i am back from one of the most busy wekks of my summer but it was mucho granda fun. my youth group friends and i went to boot camp with our church the first night and the second we watched narnia we played frisbe golf (i bet i spellled that wrong)then we hiked up what they call a mountain but it was really just a hill but it was fun. it had a really nice view and the girls from my youth group stayed in the same house as me that was kool we had as i call them deep conversations at night after we were in our house. we went to bed between 12:30 and 1:30 every night it was fun i love to stay up late it is fun we were at camp for 4 days so that was fun i would like to still be their but all good things come to an end or most do.


Blogger Seanzy said...

wow, y'all got to stay up late. all we got to do was stay up till 11:30, but we did get bedtime stories....lol

11:32 PM  
Blogger Jake said...

Yeah, no fair, we had to turn the lights off at 11:30. I am just going to have to ask this: Why do you talk so much? What can you possibly talk about from 11:00 to 1:30 that you didn't get to talk about the other 15 or so hours you were together that day? What?

12:13 PM  
Blogger Kayle said...

Man! I wish i could have been there!!! Sounds like it was a lot of fun. I like having "deep conversations". haha. Well, I will definatley be there next year. I know what yopu are thinking Kasey "Just don't go to New York, Kayle" but I am sorry to say that I already am, next year I will go.

8:16 PM  

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