i love this

Monday, June 26, 2006

yes the girls were the best and the sad thing was we were still more hyper (i spelled that wrong)than the boys sad. and jake no one will ever tell u about what we talked about that was just for girls ears only just like ur bedtime stories were just for boys so it is no use askin if no one will tell. i am so happy that u guys are commentin on my blogg.YES well got to go


Blogger Jake said...

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1:31 PM  
Blogger Jake said...

Kasey, Kasey, Kasey, the things you bring upon yourself. The girls were not the best, and hyper is not always good. You did spell hyper correctly though. Not that I care about what you guys talked about, but the bedtime stories were not just for the guys ears, just as I am sure the girls talks were not only for the firls ears, though you have tried to make it out that way because you have pride issues. And one more thing: Capitalization, and Punctuation!!! It is not a big deal IMing, but when you have the time to sit down and write something, MAKE IT EASIER TO READ!!! Some people...

1:34 PM  
Blogger Seanzy said...

well fine then, you keep your secrets...then i wont tell you about how i woke up to middle schoolers dancing around in their underwear.....oops. ok thats it though

8:46 PM  

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