i love this

Thursday, August 17, 2006

hey hey! well as most of you know school has started and i am back to the crazy life style. so get this i had hw on the first day of school crazy! it is kool though i have had hangen out with my school friends and making new ones. i hope that you guys will get to met them some time this year. that would rock! two of my friends ruthi and hannah and i tryed out for a musical play i bet that you have all heard the title it is THE HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL we are one out of four schools who were asked to preform the play so it will be kool. well i have to go do hw now so hope to talk to all of you before sunday if not see you then.


Blogger Jake said...

Sounds like fun. Public school sounds so much more exiting than homeschool. Ah well, at least I get to sleep in. Enjoy your homework...

12:41 PM  
Blogger Seanzy said...

Well Kasey I find your enthusiasm very inspirational. And yes, it is a crazy lifestyle. However I simply must retort Jake in that his home school is by far more exciting due to the recent drug problem with Advil and Tylenol. When Jake was asked about this he simply responded with: "No comment."

8:44 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...


7:38 AM  
Blogger Jonathan said...


2:42 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...


5:29 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

look at my blog eveyone!!!

5:29 PM  

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