i love this

Saturday, July 29, 2006

hey well my stay in arkansas was really kool!! we were in a little town called oden it was super duper small. there were like three shops one was a hair salon one was a post office and the last was a tack/grocries/book store so as u can see it was a very small town. but it was really pretty we were close to the river and we had alot of trees around our cabin. on one of the days we did the best thing we did all week we went on a trail ride. i was the last person and i was riding a horse called old red nero was his full name but the lady called him nero. he was a horse that was stumbling one the stick that were sticking out of the ground. and one time he did actully fall it was scary. but i am happy to say i am still alive well i have to go so T.T.F.N by the way sean i guess that u were being a biy watching batman and stuff

Friday, July 28, 2006

faith u are the best. for those of u who are silly enough to not know what T.T.F.N means it means TA TA FOR NOW. what did u guys watch when u were little barney that is from WINNIE THE POOH tigger says it when he leaves. faith u are the best again i am glad to know that u understand what i was saying. well i am back so i will see u all on sunday at church. i missed u guys T.T.F.N

Thursday, July 20, 2006

hey u guys this will be a short post i am just going to tell all of u that do not know which is impossable that you do not know that i will be in arkansas for a week. it will be fun but interesting for me fun in the since that i will be on vacation and interesting in the since that i will be in the car with my family for 9 hours that will be the fun part of the trip i can tell. (JK) well i have to go finish packing i will miss ya'll. BYE BYE T.T.F.N see ya'll in a week

Saturday, July 15, 2006

well i am happy and sad at the same time. here is why i will miss the kids at my backyard bible clubs they were the best. here is how the best week out of my summer went. on monday i woke up at 7:00 and got ready for my first day of clubs i was excited. i got to the church at 8:00 and heard from my senior pastor at our church and themn we got all pumped up to go out and do clubs i had to wait about 2 hours for my first club and by then i was a bundle of energy. my morning driver Becky Lewis was great she picked us up at 10:15 and we left the church i got to my first club and we meet Danillie's team there and we waited for the kids to show up and like the first day the kids are always scared of us a little so we just played with them and kinda got to know them. then when the club was over we went back to the church to hangout with rest of our youth group.we watched movies and went and found krista a dress for a wedding that she was in. then at about 5:10 we left the church and went to outr next club then at 7:00 we left and went to our next club and last for the day.then at about 8:50 we went back to the church and left from the church to go home. then on tuesday i did the same thing but by then i knew the kids a little more and i had great fun. i got to know a little girl named sarah and a little girl named brooklyn some of the boys i got to know were james and sean to very cute brother who were the best and brooklyn's brother nathan a very smart boy.on wednesday it was time to play in the water which is always the best but by then you are starting to get a little tired but that was of i still loved playing with the kids well here is the best part of that day i had the gospel and the lillttle girl sarah she prayed to recieve christ with me i was ssssssssssoooooo happy. thursday was great to but i was getting more tired but i still had so much fun playing with some of the best kids in the world i just love them all to death.and then there is friday a great but sad day it is the last day of clubs and again we are getting wet and again i was sharing the gospel and this gospel was my testimony wich is a great story because i accepted christ at a backyard bible clubat my first club i had a little boy named aydin accepet christ with me that made me have a great start to my day. at my next 2 clubs i had great council time with the kids in my group.here is the only sad thing about this week is when you have to say goodbye to all of those kids who want to come to summerfest but cant that makes you sad and they are all coming up saying that they will miss you it always amazes me how attached i get to these kids in just five days. but tomorrow is suday and i will hopefully get to see lots of them tomorrow well i have to go now my brother is not felling well and i am sure he would like me to get of the computer so he can go to bed. well i love BACKYARD BIBLE CLUBS THEY ARE THE BEST.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I am very proud of myself I stayed up all night at the slumber party along with faith,erin,and krista. Everyone else sleep at some point even if it was only for about 30 min. Faith did not think that I would make it I was sad that she had no faith in me. The party was fun we played Taboo for like 3 hours my team won we were very happy.We watched 2 movies and talked it was the best I liked it mucho. When I came home and had about 4 hours and 30 min. of very bad sleep so it was not very helpful. I am very excited i think that a sam ,and steph ,and her friend ,and faith, and I are going to see Pirates of the Caribbean I am very excited to see it on opening day. i have a question doany of you know how to put video's on my my space so i can put that video of josh on it. well i dont have much else to say so i guess I will go. BYE! Jake be happy i did all of the thing you got all mad at me for!!!!