i love this

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

hey you people how have you all been? i know i have been busy and not been able to type that much but you know. well you pobably do not know but oh well. i am so excited i am going to Acuna next week i am very excited about going on this trip. i am also happy because the play is coming along great.i have decided to do this thing called a question a week. i will give you a question and you can answer here it is


Blogger faith said...

I would call my mom or dad or one of my brothers. I would tell them I loved them, and I knew where I was going. I would tell them to throw a party, and tell all of the people I knew and loved that I would see them soon! And then I would tell them a knock knock joke. And they would say, "uh, your FACE loves you!" and no one would get it but my family and we would all b cracking up.

8:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would say 9-1-1, but i don't think they'd respond in 10 minutes. i'd call my wife and give her words of comfort and make sure she knows that i love her with all of my heart. i'd reassure her that life goes on and that god had a plan for taking me even though it is going to hurt so bad.

3:16 PM  
Blogger Krista said...

I wouldn't call anyone and just spend the last ten minutes making-out with my wife. :)

4:15 PM  
Blogger Jake said...

I wouldn't call anyone, I would just die and be happy knowing that no one knew where or how I died, because I hate it when people make a big deal about people when they die. It would bug me to no end if my family got all weepy on the phone and I would probably be like "PULL YOUR SELVES TOGETHER!!!! I AM JUST GOING TO FREAKING WELL DIE, IT'S NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL!!! I WILL SEE YOU LATER, DO YOU GET THAT?!?!? *click*" right there on the phone. Man, I just opened myself to all kinds of critisizm there.

7:40 PM  
Blogger Seanzy said...

I think I'd call the one person I had the strongest relationship with. I'd tell them first how much I love them and how "When I'm gone don't cry for me, because in my Savior's arms I'll be"*. Second I'd tell them what to tell the rest of the world that cares, and if I was married, I'd spend it with my wife. Lastly, I'd write down my final thoughts, and how the departed are reunited in the end and how death is merely a set back from life-thus the Gospel. All this for whoever finds me dead, or whoever is with me.

*7 Kudos to whoever can name the band quoted.

5:28 PM  
Blogger Roamer Roofies said...

I think I would call this freind, Michael(he's 15), which I have been praying for more than seven years. He's not a believer and hates God and life, he hates his family and hates me the most.His Dad was murdered when he(Michael) was about seven years old. I would tell him, "Michael, I just wanted to share my last words with you: I love you, God loves you. I have been praying for you ever since I met you. Your father is in heaven, I will see him soon and when I do I will tell him what a great person he helped you to be. He will be proud of you, as he always was." If he hangs up on me, I would write it down if I could and would finish my paragraph with, "God loves you Michael!"

12:35 PM  

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