i love this

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

ok hear is the deal
when jake our loving youth pastor lead the high school girls discussion group it was odd at the beggining but we kinda got use to you. we are not really the most talkitive people on Sunday mornings now if you were to come on a wednsday night we would have done the talking circles around people. but here is also how far our girls have come when krista first came i do not think anyone said more than hi and bye to her so really we have come a long way. but from all of the high school girls we loved having you visit our group it was so much fun.
oh just as a side note when we stayed in the room after jake left that was my idea and we were talking about how long it would take for you to realize and say something when you realized we were not behind you. as for all of the giggling we giggle all thetime as it is so that in its self is not uncommon i mean you have to hear us laugh on wednsday and sundays we are loud when we laugh. well there it is all about the girls side of the story


Blogger Krista said...

I am not buying it. I think you girls were up to something or even hiding something that is why you closed the door. I also still think that the jr. high guys could out-talk you. It wouldn't even be close. Maybe we will see this Sunday who really is the more talkative group.
But I am glad to hear that you warmed up to me and ended up having a good time. I certainly had a good time hanging out with y'all.

8:18 AM  
Blogger internetjason said...

or maybe they were all so depressed that jason was out of town that they were simply speechless...

10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, it must be that Jason.

9:33 AM  
Blogger Jake said...

I was thinking a totalitarian government coup run by the high school girls, but you know, I've been wrong before

11:18 AM  
Blogger Roamer Roofies said...

Hey girl,

You totally need to update your blog more often...

Miss you...<3

10:13 AM  

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