i love this

Monday, January 08, 2007

hey you guys i am now back.
well i am super excited i am ready to go back to school i am not ready for the work but i am ready to see my friends and here about there christmas breaks. oh did ya'll hear this at public schools they can no longer call it CHRISTmas break because some parents and there kids argued that since the word christ is in it that it was being how do i put it well that they like christians more which is silly because it has always been called that. even though i think that that is part of the reason that they called it CHRISTmas was because christ was born on that day. also it is like messing with history there is a good reason that the people who named christmas wanted it to be that way for a reason and of course God wanted it that way and i don't think that they should be calling it winter break. eve the teachers at our school think that it is silly they still some times call it christmas break out of habit. so my friend kaylan and i went to eat lunch with the kids at regents and kaylan and i pdecided that if they made us were there girls uniforms someone would get hurt. it was so cold out side and the girls had to were skirts i felt so bad for them they were so cold but they had to were the uniforms.i am trying to write a long post because most of mine are short and i do not know what else to write about it is fun to type like this though. oh i am watching my bro josh play a video game while i sit here and it is so funny. he acts like the people in the game can hear him it is silly. he gets annoyed and talks to the tv. i think that this is the longest post i hae ever writen so i will stop know since i have nothing else to say i will see ya'll sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!
