i love this

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

ok hear is the deal
when jake our loving youth pastor lead the high school girls discussion group it was odd at the beggining but we kinda got use to you. we are not really the most talkitive people on Sunday mornings now if you were to come on a wednsday night we would have done the talking circles around people. but here is also how far our girls have come when krista first came i do not think anyone said more than hi and bye to her so really we have come a long way. but from all of the high school girls we loved having you visit our group it was so much fun.
oh just as a side note when we stayed in the room after jake left that was my idea and we were talking about how long it would take for you to realize and say something when you realized we were not behind you. as for all of the giggling we giggle all thetime as it is so that in its self is not uncommon i mean you have to hear us laugh on wednsday and sundays we are loud when we laugh. well there it is all about the girls side of the story

Monday, January 08, 2007

hey you guys i am now back.
well i am super excited i am ready to go back to school i am not ready for the work but i am ready to see my friends and here about there christmas breaks. oh did ya'll hear this at public schools they can no longer call it CHRISTmas break because some parents and there kids argued that since the word christ is in it that it was being how do i put it well that they like christians more which is silly because it has always been called that. even though i think that that is part of the reason that they called it CHRISTmas was because christ was born on that day. also it is like messing with history there is a good reason that the people who named christmas wanted it to be that way for a reason and of course God wanted it that way and i don't think that they should be calling it winter break. eve the teachers at our school think that it is silly they still some times call it christmas break out of habit. so my friend kaylan and i went to eat lunch with the kids at regents and kaylan and i pdecided that if they made us were there girls uniforms someone would get hurt. it was so cold out side and the girls had to were skirts i felt so bad for them they were so cold but they had to were the uniforms.i am trying to write a long post because most of mine are short and i do not know what else to write about it is fun to type like this though. oh i am watching my bro josh play a video game while i sit here and it is so funny. he acts like the people in the game can hear him it is silly. he gets annoyed and talks to the tv. i think that this is the longest post i hae ever writen so i will stop know since i have nothing else to say i will see ya'll sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, October 26, 2006

alright i miss you guys so much but it is almost over and thewn i have a break yeah.so here it is the Question of the week i know that you all have been dieing to hear it

i would like to say to jake box that i am so SORRY for forgetting that you were coming to lunch and thursday plaese forgive me for standing you up.
I AM SO SORRY!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

hey you people how have you all been? i know i have been busy and not been able to type that much but you know. well you pobably do not know but oh well. i am so excited i am going to Acuna next week i am very excited about going on this trip. i am also happy because the play is coming along great.i have decided to do this thing called a question a week. i will give you a question and you can answer here it is

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

HOLA hey it has been a while since i have typed anything. well school has been crazy with all of the end of the 6 weeks exams.i am so looking forward to this tournament for dodgeball i think that a bunch of the girls from my school will get to come when i say bunch know that i mean about 6. And if the guys do not chicken out then i will have a guys team they have been talking about just coming to watch me play. i was like no if you come you guys have to play that spoiles all of the fun. so they might come i hope they do it would be fun if all of you could meet some of my friends i am a very popular person so there is no way that you could meet all of my friends (haha)
so the play high school musacal that we are doing at my school is very diffrent from the movie there are more dances and singing and there are some strage but fun songs.the songs that are in there and in the movie have a little diffrent words in some cases.i am really looking forward to the show but i found out to day that i will have dane class all day saturday until 6:00 so i will be a little late to the dodge ball tournoment.i will be tired 2 we will have been danceing all day with a lady that disney wants us to use for the show. that is all i have time to sayi have to go and do my IPC HW so T.T.F.N
see yall tomorrow

Sunday, September 10, 2006

that is a creepy thing the blogs*r*wack odd

ok i like how you guys just have a conversation on my blog. and to put you all at rest it cant be my brother. here is why he cant spell half of the things that were said in that and neither can aaron. so rest easy it is not them. the only thing is that now we do not know who it is.my brother is not the blogs*r*wack so rest he is silly but not so silly as to tell me some of the things on my blogg and he cant spell so again i say this it is not josh or aaron

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

well i am back well not really i just have not had time to get on the computer. i do not reallly have anything to say. i am sitting up here in the computer room which by the way in no longer joshes room. i am up so i am waiting for school to start.oh well i guess i can tell you all the interesting topic that we are discussing in english.we are talking about religion it is fun to here all about what people think about ech diffrent religion in turn. my english teacher is crazy though but he is alot of fun.i have no idea what to write about anymore notning all that amazing has happened to me in a while so i will just go down and eat breakfast now. are anyof you even up at 6:59 which is the time right now. well see you all later to day